Council’s Code of Conduct and the role of the Integrity Commissioner

In a recent article, the Current disclosed how some municipalities give guidance to residents about making complaints including those to an Integrity Commissioner (IC). Some also provide information about the role of their ICs with reference to their Codes of Conduct for members of Council. At the present time Madawaska …

Spring Meltdown

Photos submitted To everything there is a season and to each new season often a new set of aches and pains. As a physiotherapist I often see a sudden surge in patients with symptoms attributed to the challenges of the season change … foot pain when non-supportive rain boots are …

MV Horticultural Society thanks Opeongo Seniors Art Group

At the April meeting of the Madawaska Valley Horticultural Society, Eden Guidroz displayed the Society’s sandwich boards and posters which had been produced from paintings by members of the Opeongo Senior Centre Art Group. The posters helped to publicize the Society’s annual Flower and Vegetable Show held each summer. Guidroz …

Bear facts

Rick Stronks addresses Madawaska Valley Horticultural Society Bears are driven by food. That’s the one thing Rick Stronks, Chief Park Naturalist at Algonquin Provincial Park, wants members of the Madawaska Valley Horticultural Society to remember from his talk at the April 19 meeting. Stronks explained that Algonquin Park hosts up …

Celebrating stewardship along the Madawaska River

From across the bay, the Andermans are seen arriving at the island (Photo submitted) STEWARDSHIP – “the responsible overseeing and protection of something worth caring for and preserving” One fantastic thing about providing canoe outfitting services is experiencing our beautiful lakes and waterways, both personally and vicariously, through the …

Pitch-in to celebrate Earth Day

Recently local residents’ group Carson, Trout, Lepine & Greenan Lakes Association reminded its members that they can celebrate Earth Day 2018 on April 22 by participating in Pitch-In Canada Week. Madawaska Valley Township has provided garbage bags free of charge for residents to pick up garbage along township roads. A …

MV honours long service employees and volunteer firefighters

Long service award recipients with members of Council On April 17 after the Regular Council meeting, Madawaska Valley Township honoured eleven employees and volunteer firefighters for their long service to the community. In welcoming everyone to the ceremony, Mayor Kim Love said, The most important resource any organization has is its …

MV Council discusses water rates and donations policy

Photo: 2018 Water and Wastewater Budget At the April 17 Regular Council meeting members of Madawaska Valley Council congratulated themselves on achieving a reduction in the minimum charge for water and wastewater in 2018. Councillor Shelley Maika who chairs the Water and Wastewater Committee read the following recommendation: That the …

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