Operations Committee discusses Combermere revitalization project

On June 26 the Township of Madawaska Valley Operations Committee discussed utilizing funds from the Main Street Revitalization Initiative to improve the Combermere boat launch facility. Shown above, Operations Manager Hilary Kutchkoskie (standing) points out details on a survey to the Operations Committee (from left) Andy Boyd, Councillor Shelley Maika, Councillor Ernie Peplinski, CAO Suzanne Klatt, Larraine McEllistrum, Mayor Kim Love. The Current reported on the announcement six months ago that MV would be eligible for funds under the initiative. Click HERE to read that article published on Jan. 29. The township’s entitlement was subsequently increased to $41,292.95 as of Mar. 12, 2018.

The Combermere proposal was for construction of a gazebo type structure at the boat launch. However, in his report Operations Manager Hilary Kutchkoskie advised that he had recently instructed a surveyor to re-confirm the boundaries of the municipally-owned lands in question. Based on that survey and a septic file search, Kutchkoskie stated that such a structure would not be allowed under the building code because of the presence of active septic beds.

When The Current asked what other proposals are also under consideration to utilize funds from the Initiative, the answer given was that there are none at present. Committee Chair Peplinski said they want to open it up for discussion and welcome anyone who wants to be a part of it.

Interested parties in other areas of the township are encouraged to submit suggestions. However, they should first familiarize themselves with the types of projects eligible under the Initiative.

Editor’s note: So far as The Current is aware, the funding criteria have not been publicized by the municipality. However, they are set out in the Main Street Funding Guide provided by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). Anyone who is interested can click HERE to read that document on AMO’s website. Readers should note that this municipality does not currently have a Community Improvement Plan so eligible projects need to satisfy the criteria for the second category: Funding of strategic municipal physical infrastructure.

Old Barry’s Bay Road project

At the same meeting, the Operations Committee discussed development of a communications strategy around the Old Barry’s Bay Road construction project which they anticipate will cause major disruption to residents and visitors during the summer months. In addition to regular notices on the township website of planned works, CAO Klatt suggested utilizing the online municipal511.ca service and local media to notify residents of last minute changes regarding road closures.

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