Madawaska Valley District High School holds graduation ceremony

Proud families and friends gathered at Madawaska Valley District High School to applaud the achievements of this year’s graduating class. In an impressive group of nearly a hundred graduates including fifth year students, virtually every one received recognition during the ceremony. Click HERE for the full list of awards for …

Township CAO acts to curb Integrity Commissioner costs

OPINION As announced at the June 4 Council in Committee meeting, in an effort to reduce the high cost of investigations conducted by controversial Integrity Commissioner, Guy Giorno, Madawaska Valley Township has hired Sudbury consulting firm, Expertise for Municipalities (E4M), to oversee the validity of complaints made by citizens against …

Today is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day in Ontario

In announcing the Province’s first Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day, Will Bouma, MPP for Brantford-Brant, stated: Police officers, fire fighters, correctional officers, dispatchers, probation and parole officers, crown attorneys, nurses and other justice sector workers have incredibly difficult jobs and come face to face with difficult situations. That’s …

Ontario pilots new infrastructure program to withstand extreme weather

The Ontario Government announced June 27 that it is funding a new pilot program to ensure communities across the province are protected from future extreme weather damage. The Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance (MDRA) program provides financial assistance to eligible communities that face extraordinary emergency response and repair costs after a natural disaster. …

Valley gardeners honoured

The Madawaska Valley Horticultural Society honoured well-known local gardener, Ritsuko Honda, at the Strawberry Social held on June 19. The gardening club directors decided to give the Ontario Horticultural Society President’s Award to honour an active member whose volunteering and expertise has encouraged countless Valley gardeners over the years. The …

June 24

Well Woman Clinic launches in Barry’s Bay Madawaska Valley Family Health Team is providing Well Woman care for unattached patients. Women who are not registered with a primary healthcare provider can call to make an appointment with a nurse practitioner. The Well Woman Clinic offers the following services: Medical history …

Council considers threat to funding for Renfrew County Legal Clinic

At the June 18 MV Council meeting, members heard a delegation from the Renfrew County Legal Clinic which sought Council’s support in opposing the recently-announced cuts to Legal Aid funding by the Ford government. The April 11 budget reduced provincial funding for Legal Aid by 35 percent. Because of this, …

St. Lawrence O’Toole parish picnic to mark 85th anniversary

Nineteen Thirty-Four: Adolf Hitler declared himself the “ultimate leader”. Stalin began his massacres. Mao Tse-Tung spread communist doctrine. Bonnie and Clyde’s career came to an end. Shirley Temple’s “Bright Eyes” captured the world. Donald Duck appeared for the first time. And in Barry’s Bay, St. Lawrence O’Toole Parish became an official, …

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