Jan.29 2022

A timely guide to enjoying the depths of winter here in the Valley. On the trails Sledders: Recent snowfall means that the hard-working volunteers from the Opeongo Snowbirds, Peterson Pathfinders and other local snowmobile clubs are working to groom trails throughout the Madawaska Valley. To offer your help, learn more …

Coroner’s Office corrects media reports of date of Culleton Kuzyk Warmerdam inquest

The Current today contacted the Ontario Coroner’s Office to obtain confirmation of what The Eganville Leader and other media outlets had published concerning the date of the inquest into the murders of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam on Sept.22, 2015. The contact was prompted because The Current had …

Heritage photo: Clergy visited lumber camps; service held in hayloft

This picture shows Bishop P.T. Ryan, accompanied by Fr. A.J. Reynolds on an excursion to visit lumber camps. They look to be warmly dressed and it could be that they were experiencing the same kinds of cold temperatures that we have been experiencing lately. Bishop Ryan (1864-1937) was born in Ireland …

OPP bulletins at Jan.26

OPP Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment warn of scams Email scam offering vaccination certificate: The Upper Ottawa Valley (UOV) Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) would like to warn residents of an email scam that has recently surfaced in the area. Those targeted have received an unsolicited email claiming to be …

Veteran BLR Councillor resigns – says he is the victim of false charges

The Current has today received the following Press Release from former BLR Councillor Trevor Lidtkie: For over 15 years I have proudly served as a member of Brudenell Lyndoch and Raglan Council (BLR) and am immensely proud of my record of demanding that our Township spend our limited money in …

OPP bulletins at Jan.19

OPP Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment Fail to remain – Police seek public assistance: The Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is currently investigating a fail to remain motor vehicle collision that took place at approximately 3:10 p.m. on Sunday January 16, 2022. The incident occurred on Pembroke …

Breaking news: Budarick appeal dismissed – BLR Council seat now vacant

In a ruling today a three-judge panel of the Divisional Court dismissed the appeal of BLR Councillor Andrea Budarick, who has now been officially removed from her Council seat. A ruling from the Divisional Court in December had prohibited BLR Council from filling the seat until the appeal could be …

Public interest news and information suppression in Madawaska Valley is a disgrace

EDITORIAL On May 19th last year a Court hearing took place that had important implications for the residents of Madawaska Valley. Superior Court Justice Adriana Doyle had to decide whether it was in the public interest to strike out (i.e. apply a “gag order” to) the legal action commenced by …

RCD Vaccine Clinics including walk-in clinics for Children 5 to 11 years old

Renfrew Count and District Health Unit (RCDHU) released the following 2-page schedule of COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Jan.16-22: Year-end vaccine update As of 8:00 a.m. December 30, 184,494 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered through one of several COVID-19 vaccination clinics across Renfrew County and District (RCD) with 90.2% …

OPP confirm missing person is victim in fatal car accident near Rockingham

The Killaloe Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) launched an investigation into a missing person case on December 31, 2021, and sought assistance from the public in an effort to locate the missing person from the Killaloe area. Catherine LEWIS, 48 years, of Belleville, had not been seen or …

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