Why BLR Incumbents don’t want to talk about E4m

Opinion Editor’s Note: This opinion by BLR resident Michael McCloskey is part of our ongoing investigation into the questionable practices arising from the collaboration of Expertise for Municipalities (E4m Solutions), Wishart Law, and Investigative Solutions Network (ISN). It is a follow-up to our article “BLR Councillor objects to high costs …

Successful Planned Emergency Exercise at St. Francis Memorial Hospital

Submitted by St. Francis Memorial Hospital On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, Renfrew County Paramedics and St. Francis Memorial Hospital conducted a planned emergency CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) exercise. This planned/staged exercise was a learning opportunity for Paramedic and hospital staff to practice a CBRN disaster with all the required …

Muzzled MV media helps muddy the waters – Prince unhappy about news suppression in The Leader and Valley Gazette

Editorial Yesterday The Current published an article reporting on misinformation being spread by one of the incumbent candidates for Madawaska Valley (MV) Council. His ability to mislead the public has been assisted by the inexcusable refusal on the part of the Valley Gazette and The Eganville Leader to report to …

Peplinski threatens to have Bromwich removed from Council

According to information received by The Current, Councillor Ernie Peplinski while canvassing for re-election has made serious accusations against his Council colleague Carl Bromwich. Peplinski is accusing Bromwich of revealing confidential closed meeting information to The Current, which Peplinski says he will make the subject of a complaint to the …

A more welcoming community with new initiatives from Local Immigration Partnership

Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) – Lanark & Renfrew launches two new resources to help ensure Ottawa Valley communities are ready to welcome newcomers with open arms with its Community Resource website portal and its Intercultural Development Inventory assessment service.   Thanks to the efforts of the LIP-Lanark & Renfrew’s Creating …

Five Valley communities launch affordable housing committees after townhalls

Action committees have been formed in five area municipalities as a result of townhall meetings staged in the last two weeks by the Affordable Housing Alliance of the Ottawa Valley (AHAOV). The Townhalls concluded this week with meetings in Killaloe, Eganville and Golden Lake. At each of the meetings, municipal …

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