Editor’s Note: Madawaska Valley Township has re-scheduled the Public Meeting on Development Charges for Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

The Current has just received a notice from the Township of Madawaska Valley that tonight’s Public Meeting on the proposed Development Charges has been cancelled. We will notify readers of any re-scheduled date when MV makes that information available.

In the meantime, readers interested in the topic can Click HERE to review the correspondence added to the most recent published Agenda for the meeting. The letters are from Sebastian Hudder, Chris Nicholas and Abigail Bowers, Eric and Patti Nicholas, Christine Recoskie, Mark Wilson on behalf of the Kings Landing Community proposal, Robert B. Howe, and Eve-Marie Chamot.

This article was amended on Feb.10th to provide the new date for the meeting.


  1. Sebastian Hudder

    It nice to see others have voiced their opinions to Gwen for our Council. My letter was submitted on January 07, when I was less educated on the matter. I’ve since learned the 10-11k development charges outlined in the study, is only the ceiling cost of which the township could charge. However, my stance still stands that any fee of any amount will be a huge financial hurdle, a delay in development and RED TAPE. We need more development, more housing and an easy process when in comes to building. I will be at the rescheduled meeting voicing my opinions… and I encourage anyone who has opinions to voice them by emailing Gwen our Deputy Clerk or by attending the meeting.

  2. Eve-Marie Chamot

    Actual Gwen Dombroski sent out a note just after 4pm saying that it was rescheduled for Mar 6/23 6pm-8pm.
    I suspect the Council will eventually reject this proposed by-law since they don’t seem to be visibly enthusiastic about dealing with it. It’s just a bad idea inherited from the last Council and everyone seems very much opposed to it. The real issue is how to attract new business and industrial assessment to generate new conventional tax revenues which is something the last two Councils were not interested in doing. It’s harder to do than inventing new taxes but there is no evading it. Look up old articles by John Hildebrandt, former reeve and mayor:- however current business conditions afford new opportunities to attract some serious business and industrial development to MVT and hopefully this new Council will be a “can-do” council unlike the previous “no-can-do”/”no-want-do” Councils who preferred to “sleep with their eyes open”.

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