For this year’s Madawaska Valley District High School’s Thanksgiving Food Drive, students were challenged to bring enough food to match the weight of teacher Brandon Cashubec, and they not only met that challenge but exceeded it by collecting approximately two hundred and fifty pounds of food (which is definitely MORE than Mr. Cashubec weighs). Above from left: Paul Thompson, Madawaska Valley Food Bank President; Rory Marleau, MVDHS Student Activities Council Vice-President; and Ava Beggs, MVDHS Student Activities Council President. Photo submitted.
All food donations are going to the Madawaska Valley Food Bank. Upon inspecting the haul, MV Food Bank President Paul Thompson was pleased to see a number of containers of peanut butter, as peanut butter, soup, and cereal are items that are always in high demand. Food donations for the Food Bank can be dropped off at the Barry’s Bay Metro and Valu-Mart. Instructions for making cash donations can be found on the Madawaska Valley Food Bank Facebook page. Click HERE to visit.