Bite-sized news at Feb.23, 2024

Madawaska Valley Public Library

  • Fridays at 1pm: Walking Group meets for a stroll around town and social time afterwards at the library with a warm drink
  • Saturday, Feb.23 at 11am: Lego Club for little builders at the library to challenge their building skills, play games and have lots of fun

Madawaska Valley Gardening Club

Thursday,Feb.29 at 7pm at the Opeongo Seniors Centre, 19 Stafford St., Barry’s Bay: The February meeting of the MV Gardening Club that was cancelled due to a snowstorm has been re-scheduled. Share seeds, trade houseplants and hear speaker Donna Marie Cybulski on the topic of Winter Sowing.

Killaloe Public Library

Friday, Mar.1 is the last day to submit your recipes for Killaloe Public Library’s new cookbook “Cooking through the seasons.” Tell us what season you make your recipe in and why it is special to you. Include your name for a credit in the Cookbook. Email your recipes to: or drop a copy off of your favorite dish and how you make it, at the Killaloe and District Public Library.

St.Pats & Easter Indoor Farmers Market, Killaloe

Saturday, Mar.2 from 10am to 2pm at Killaloe Lions Club, 18 Lake St., Killaloe: Enjoy Renfrew County’s only indoor winter Farmers Market. Fresh produce, baked goods, home décor, lucky items for St.Pats and happy items for Easter. New vendors welcome, contact

Ottawa Valley Community Arts

Saturday, Mar.2 at 1pm at Arnprior & District Museum, 35 Madawaska Street, Arnprior K7S 1R6: OV-CAOS offers this FREE workshop to stamp and stencil fabric prints while you chat with Anya and Claire about your vision for community arts in the Ottawa Valley. Snacks and all materials provided. To reserve your place please email

Seedy Sunday

Sunday, Mar.3 from 10am to 3pm at 20 Rankin Rink Rd. in Pembroke: The 17th Annual Ottawa Valley Seedy Sunday gives Valley gardeners a chance to hear speakers on a variety of gardening topics and browse stalls of vendors, farmers and growers. Look out for the Madawaska Valley Gardening table. For more information call Cheri at 613-559-1813 or email

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