Lost in Algonquin Park

Part 1: How burning sticks one at a time kept me alive Before the advent of the technology we now take for granted — like cell phones, GPS,  Gortex clothing, thermal infra-red sensing and robotic drones — previous generations relied on ingenuity, instinct and experience to confront the unpredictable and …

The trumpet sounds

Natural Disasters – Part 2 OPINION A great mountain burned with fire, and a third of all trees and grass burnt-up. – Revelation Ch.8 The Madawaska Valley’s winter of 2023-24 has been the driest in recorded history. Renfrew County, situated within the rain shadow of the Algonquin Dome, receives considerably …

Yakabuski asked to withdraw approval of forestry operations around Acorn Lake

Local residents, conservation advocates and the Ottawa River Institute (ORI) have filed a request to Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski to intervene with the commercial tree harvesting scheduled to commence shortly surrounding Acorn Lake – a popular local fishing and recreational destination. Above: A single pine tree frames snowshoe tracks across Acorn Lake. …

Ontario’s Biomass program threatens Ottawa Valley forests

OPINION If you go for a walk in the woods today, tomorrow you could be in for a big surprise. Vast forests could be slated for clear-cutting before they even reach maturity. Above: Area clear-cut showing residual regeneration. Photo C. Huggett Going against the age-old forest sustainability principle of “harvesting …

Where eagles dare not go

OPINION The fight to save the Pine River in Madawaska Valley encounters a bizarre clash of values — Commercial logging has traditionally been the main threat to Canadian forests. But now other competing interests join the foray leaving conservationists baffled. “Wheresoever the carcass is; there the eagles shall be found …

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