Public interest news and information suppression in Madawaska Valley is a disgrace – update

OPINION In January 2022 The Current published an editorial under this title. It condemned both the Valley Gazette and The Eganville Leader for hiding from their readers details of the court case against Madawaska Valley Township and members of its former Council. To remind you, the lawsuit made serious allegations …

Trump’s tyrannical tariffs

EDITORIAL Tomorrow, Canadians will start experiencing the effect of Donald ‘Felonious’ Trump’s tariffs. He has used several reasons to justify imposing them, all of them replete with his trademark lies, grotesque exaggerations, and unhinged irrelevancies. As recently as Saturday he has repeated his belief that if he cripples Canada financially, …

MV should be a poster child for enacting the Municipal Accountability Act 2024

EDITORIAL Editor’s Note: The history of the conduct referred to in this editorial dates back to when The Current began publishing in 2018. For the convenience of our readers, we have provided links to earlier articles below. It should be noted that the contents of those articles have never been …

Freedom of Information Request reveals continuation of MV’s vendetta against The Current

Editorial As previously reported, The Current requested the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRAO) to investigate the conduct of Madawaska Valley Township’s insurer, Intact Public Entities (Intact). The reason was its massive and grossly disproportionate expenditure over almost four years of legal costs to defend The Current’s claim against …

A physician’s perspective regarding Medical Assistance in Dying in Renfrew County

OPINION “Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act, and in that action are the seeds of new knowledge.”   — Albert Einstein I recently watched a paid speaker present views regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to those attending an event in Renfrew County. With the goal …

The trumpet sounds

Natural Disasters – Part 2 OPINION A great mountain burned with fire, and a third of all trees and grass burnt-up. – Revelation Ch.8 The Madawaska Valley’s winter of 2023-24 has been the driest in recorded history. Renfrew County, situated within the rain shadow of the Algonquin Dome, receives considerably …

Ontario’s Biomass program threatens Ottawa Valley forests

OPINION If you go for a walk in the woods today, tomorrow you could be in for a big surprise. Vast forests could be slated for clear-cutting before they even reach maturity. Above: Area clear-cut showing residual regeneration. Photo C. Huggett Going against the age-old forest sustainability principle of “harvesting …

Where eagles dare not go

OPINION The fight to save the Pine River in Madawaska Valley encounters a bizarre clash of values — Commercial logging has traditionally been the main threat to Canadian forests. But now other competing interests join the foray leaving conservationists baffled. “Wheresoever the carcass is; there the eagles shall be found …

Algonquin Park – can it continue to be everything to everyone?

Paradise in Ruins – Part 2 Submitted by Christopher Huggett, retired Conservation Biologist. OPINION Only those with memory of Algonquin’s distant past can be rightly appalled with what they see today. Complaints arising from inadequate law enforcement within Algonquin Park reflect a generational shift in both demographics and social expectations. …

Seat of Wisdom’s fingerprints all over rejected anti-Pride Petition

Editorial On April 5 2021 The Current drew its readers’ attention to an article published by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) which focused on Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) policies and the College’s links to conspiracy theorists. It mentioned its anti-LGBTQ policies and its links through faculty members …

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