Our Hospital Scores 99.8%

Photo: Pappin Communications

Accreditation Canada has awarded St. Francis Memorial Hospital an impressive 99.8% compliance rate on meeting quality standards after a rigorous evaluation process in December. As a result, our hospital has received Accreditation with Commendation and congratulations for ongoing work to improve the quality and safety of health care services. A non-profit organization, Accreditation Canada provides an external peer-review process to assess and improve the services that health institutions provide to their patients and clients, based on national standards of excellence and required practices.

It comes as no surprise to local residents that St. Francis Memorial scored well for patient- and family-centred care. We know the hospital and its staff are committed to provide “Excellence in Rural Healthcare”, because we experience that commitment whenever we visit the hospital. But it is reassuring to know that an independent body has found a high level of compliance with standards for patient safety, infection prevention and risk management.

Surveyor Team Leader Marianne Walker noted that SFMH has “fully embraced client- and family-centred care,” and is “highly committed to making it better for patients and families.” Other strengths with regards to patient- and family-centred care included an openness to integrating input received from clients and families, and a Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) that reviews and has input into changes to improve the patient and family experience at SFMH.

Among SFMH strengths, Walker listed the “high-functioning board and leadership, caring and compassionate staff and physicians and strong physician engagement, volunteers and the PFAC.” She also recognized the “strong, innovative partnerships in the Circle of Health and the move to a Rural Health Hub.”

SFMH Board Chair Jasna Boyd gave credit to hospital staff, physicians and volunteers for the excellent result.

“The positive results of our accreditation are a reflection of the efforts and commitment to patient and family centred care by all our staff, physicians and volunteers. We are appreciative of all their fine work, not only at survey time, but each and every day.”

Randy Penney, SFMH CEO voiced a similar sentiment.

“This process reviews all areas of the hospital from clinical to management to our Board. To achieve such a high compliance rating is a wonderful achievement. It is a credit to our staff, physicians, Board and volunteers. It is a major statement to our patients and families that this organization has tremendous compliance with National Standards in all areas of our hospital.”

Those of us who rely on St. Francis Memorial Hospital have reason once again to be proud of our hospital and confident in the quality of the care it provides.

About the author: Bernadine Roslyn lives in Barry’s Bay where she has participated in several economic development initiatives. She is especially proud of her role in the landscaping of the Railway Station Park in the late 1990’s. Her business, Valley Web Studio, develops and hosts websites for many local businesses and produces AlgonquinEast.com.

St. Francis Memorial Hospital (2018, January 2) St. Francis Memorial Hospital receives glowing report from Accreditation Canada [Press Release]


One comment

  1. Johanna Zomers

    Thanks to Bernadine Roselyn for her well-written article on the recent impressive achievements for SFMH. The Current obviously has a commitment to solid community-based and factual journalism. Look forward to seeing more.

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