Councillors spar about alleged death threat

At the August 6 Council in Committee meeting, CAO Sue Klatt reported on an agenda item entitled “OPP occurrence filed.” This related to an episode that occurred at the Council in Committee meeting of February 7 2019. During that meeting Councillor Ernest Peplinski was alleged to have used “unparliamentary language” which was directed at the publisher of this newspaper, Roger Paul, who was in the audience. The incident was brought to the Mayor’s attention the following day by Councillor Carl Bromwich, resulting in what was described as a “training session” held in camera during the Council meeting of February 19.

Paul claims that some weeks later he was advised by Councillor Bromwich that the unparliamentary language included a threat to kill him. He also told Paul that it had been recorded on the Township’s recording. Paul then wrote to Klatt who subsequently advised him that neither she nor the Mayor had been able to hear the alleged threat on the municipal recording. He was advised that if he persisted in the allegation, he should refer the matter to the OPP, which he did.

Following Klatt’s report at Tuesday’s meeting, Peplinski made the following comments: “I think this would be an appropriate time for Councillor Bromwich to explain exactly why you initiated this and I think everybody would like to know because, I mean, the fake news will be out there. We know that. And they’re going to print what they want to print and we just have to accept that. But I think your explanation should be forthcoming.”

Bromwich replied by saying, “It is forthcoming. It’s in the public record and that’s as far as I’m going with it.”

When the exchange between Peplinski and Bromwich became more testy, Mayor Love interjected by saying “OK gentlemen” and the discussion ended soon after.

This reporter is investigating the full circumstances surrounding these events, including seeking comments from Peplinski and Bromwich. Further details will be published in due course.

Photo above taken during Aug. 6 meeting: Councillors Carl Bromwich (far left) and Ernie Peplinski (far right)

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