Killaloe Farmers’ Market aims to increase visibility

Shoppers looking for the Killaloe Farmers’ Market last Saturday didn’t need eyeglasses to see one sign as Killaloe’s own Banksy — market organizer Rachelle Clayton — went to work with a set of chalks in downtown Killaloe. (above photo: Rachelle Clayton) But for those who like to look behind the scenes, the Killaloe Farmers’ Market organizers explain how it came about that Clayton had to use those chalks.

As Current readers may recall, in order to safeguard the public during these COVID-19 times, Killaloe Hagarty and Richards Township Council (KHR) closed the Hoch Farmhouse venue for the Farmers’ Market in what would have been its 20th year at that location. Click HERE to read The Current’s original report

At the KHR Special Council meeting on July 6, Mayor Janice Visneskie-Moore told Council they had received a request from the Farmers’ Market for financial help with signage to point customers to their new location as they could not afford to pay for Tourism-Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) signs on Hwy. 60. (Editor’s Note: According to the Province, TODS signs make it easier for tourists to find local attractions and services.) Council turned down that request saying that if they agreed to assist one organization they would be asked to help others in future. Instead, they suggested the Farmers’ Market should supply their own portable signs. 

killaloe-fmrs-mkt-lynne-postillKHR Council having declined their request, Farmers’ Market organizers, Clayton and Lynne Postill, got creative and came up with solutions to suit their limited resources. Postill said they posted digital notices on Facebook to attract attention, and they produced five “traditional” signs (see inset, photo Lynne Postill) as well as Clayton’s large, renewable and very affordable chalk sign.

Obviously their efforts are having some effect. Postill said, “We still have people saying “not enough signage ….  [but] we are doing really well and the number of vendors and patrons increases weekly.”

The Killaloe Farmers’ Market runs every Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. until Thanksgiving at the Lions Ball Field, 1 Lions Lane, Killaloe.

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