Renfrew County Legal Clinic


Renfrew County Legal Clinic, which provides free legal services to county residents who face economic limitations, is accessible by Valley clients one day a month in Barry’s Bay.

The Clinic, which is funded by Legal Aid Ontario, is an independent non-profit corporation run by a Board of Directors made up by people who work or live in Renfrew County. It is staffed by three lawyers and two support staff. Its mission statement is:

Our mission is to provide access to justice for low income people of Renfrew County with the aim of promoting a just society.

Clinic Executive Director, Amy Scholten, and her staff can help area residents who need assistance with the following matters:

  • Social Assistance (Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program)
  • Landlord and Tenant (Tenants only)
  • Employment Insurance
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Claims
  • Human Rights and Employment Rights
  • Debtor/Creditor – Small Claims Court matters
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Board Claims
  • General Legal Information
  • Assist in Community Development

In addition one member of staff, who is a Seniors Lawyer, covers a wide area of Eastern Ontario travelling to provide free wills and powers of attorney, and other advice to low income seniors.

For the past two years, I have had the privilege of being one of its directors and so have been able to witness firsthand the expertise and dedication shown by Amy and her team in fulfilling its mission.

The Current will occasionally publish articles written by Clinic staff about common legal issues faced by their clients. The first one is by Gina Rea outlining the potential pitfalls of using Will Kits.

The Madawaska Valley location for the Clinic is at Rural Outreach Employment Services, 19536 Opeongo Line, Barry’s Bay, ON K0J 1B0

For further information contact the Clinic’s main office in Renfrew at 1-800-267-5871

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