Heritage Photo: St. Joseph’s School 1952-53 Grade Four

This picture was taken during the school year 1952-53 and it’s the Grade Four class.  Please let the readership know if you spot an error and can make a correction.

FRONT ROW: Bobby Crawford, Arthur Peplinskie, Roy Kulas, Tony Yantha, Leonard Stoppa, Ronald Chippior, Jimmy Shulist, David Biernaskie, Kenneth Kovalskie, Denzil Matusheskie

SECOND ROW: Gerald Yantha, Rene Villeneuve, Robert Cybulskie, Kenneth Kubusheskie, Ursula Chaperskie, Doreen Burchat, Rosanne Golka, Joseph Matusheskie, Jerome Golka, Ronald Mintha, Michael Ritza

THIRD ROW: Ethel Rumleskie, Teresa Yantha, Charlotte Voldock, Cecilia Coulas, Patricia Corrigan, Martha Luckavitch, Sister Mary Alice, Shirley Dudack, Dorothy Luckavitch, Alice Golka, Joan Shushack, Jacqueline Cybulskie, Marianne Glofcheskie, Hedwig Villeneuve


NOTE: If you are interested in having a picture and story featured in The Madawaska Valley Current, please submit the information to Bob Corrigan at madvalleycurrent@gmail.com (marked Heritage Photos)


About the author: Leaving Barry’s Bay to attend the University of Ottawa, Bob Corrigan taught in Whitby and Ottawa before returning home in 1971 with his wife, Cathie, to spend the rest of his teaching career at MVDHS.  Bob’s winter sports are hockey and skiing (he began the annual Renfrew County Teachers Hockey Tournament), his summer cottage activities include canoeing, but year-round he enjoys genealogy. Bob has volunteered for SFMH, the Train Station and Zurakowski Park.


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