Heritage Photo: a war bride comes to Barry’s Bay

This is the first summer in Canada for Stanny Chippure (née Constance Sprenger) in 1946 just after World War II. (Above) On this day, she is standing on the original wooden bridge that leads to Mask Island. Notice St. Joseph’s Elementary School in the background beyond the piles of lumber.  Presumably, those lumber piles belong to the mill shown to the right.  Can anyone identify whose mill that is?

1946 Causeway - Tony Chippure

Tony Chippure, newly returned from the war, relaxes on the wooden causeway between the mainland and Mask Island.

1945 - Tony Chippure & Constance Sprenger

This wedding scene takes place in Rotterdam, Holland, on December 27, 1945.  It is the marriage of Tony Chippure of Barry’s Bay and Stanny Sprenger who are at the extreme left in the picture.  Also in attendance are: Jack Dewijn; Lisa; Thad Maika of Barry’s Bay; young brother Rudy Sprenger; mother Tryntije Sprenger (née Vanderben); grandmother Aafge Vanderben; brother Bob Sprenger; with a few people in the background.  Due to the war, many things were in short supply, so much so that Stanny, unable to get a wedding dress, wore her high school graduation gown.

Thanks to Bob Chippure for sharing these photos.


NOTE: If you are interested in having a picture and story featured in The Madawaska Valley Current, please submit the information to Bob Corrigan at madvalleycurrent@gmail.com (marked Heritage Photos)  Originals will be returned.



  1. J.J. de Wijn

    Beautiful memories from Stanny and Barry’s Bay I visited in 1973 with my brother.
    Stanny was the favorite cousin from my late father. Love from all of us…Family de Wijn (Dewyn)

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