Conscientious objection no reason for Ontario doctors to abandon patients who seek assisted death says Court

Shortly after Canada’s Assisted Dying Law, Bill C-14, was passed in early 2016, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) issued a policy direction to its members. It required them to refer their patients to other health professionals in cases where the referring doctor was being asked for …

May 19

MV gets FireSmart on Bay Day At Bay Day on May 18 the Madawaska Valley Fire Department handed out Community Wildfire Preparedness education materials for all ages. Chief Fire Officer Corwin Quade said MV was successful in a recent grant application to FireSmart Canada. The national program received applications from …

Stone Fence Theatre plans exciting 2019 season

2019 season features Up at Fred’s – Allons-y!, a Cuban concert and the new Stone Fence Theatre Showband Up at Fred’s – Allons-y! For fifty years or so, “Fred’s” – the Hotel Chapeau in Chapeau, Quebec – was the destination of choice for diners, drinkers, and dancers, lumbermen, hunters and soldiers, tourists and locals, celebrities …

Motorcyclists, off-roaders and boaters at risk say OPP

With motorcyclists, off-roaders and boaters expected in large numbers this long weekend, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is raising awareness of behaviours and contributing factors that are common in deaths across all three of these seasonal recreational driver/user classes. (All data applies to 2018 in OPP-jurisdictions): Driving too fast for …

Station Keepers celebrate 125th anniversary of first school teacher in Barry’s Bay

On May 14th, 1894, Nellie Irving, a 20-year-old schoolteacher from Alice Township (shown at centre in above photo of Renfrew Model School Convocation c.1894), opened the first school established in the village of Barry’s Bay. It happened 125 years ago this week and was a big moment in a very …

May 12 2019

MV Council discusses 2019 budget providing for 1.9 percent tax increase At its May 6 Special Council meeting to deal with the 2019 budget, MV Council reviewed a “very preliminary” draft that projected a 1.9 percent increase in taxes. Readers may recall that Council gave direction to staff about budget …

Opinion poll

Public question period At its last meeting Hastings Highlands Township Council passed a motion adding a second public question period to its Council meetings. It already provided for one question period at the end of each meeting, but has now added one at the beginning. This will allow attendees, according …

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