Want to know what’s on in the Valley this long weekend? The Current is pleased to announce that our longtime partnership with AlgonquinEast.com means it’s easy for you to get all the answers. Just click on Events in the Valley listed on our Home Page Menu.
Events in the Valley gives you a two-week window of upcoming happenings in and around the Madawaska Valley. With the new format, one click on the date/event opens up details in a new window. Whether it’s a free or paid-for activity, here’s your chance to take advantage of everything the Valley has to offer. Try it now. Click HERE to visit Events in the Valley.
Got an event you want to promote? There’s an email link at the top of the calendar. Just click to send upcoming events to info@algonquineast.com Events in the Valley is updated every Thursday.
Many thanks to Bernadine Roslyn of valleywebstudio.ca for developing the new customized calendar format for The Current.
Photo: Canada Day 2016 in Barry’s Bay, Doug DeLaMatter