Truth, Consequences, Options

Dear Editor,

The writ has been dropped and Canadians are facing one of the most important elections of modern time. We as citizens are faced with deciding whether we want to maintain our status as a functioning, independent, nation-state or continue to accept a globalist agenda where directives from the UN define Canada’s policies.

For those who claim that UN initiatives such as the Global Compact on Migration are non-binding and do not influence public policy and ultimately legislation, that is simply not true! Many Canadians have come to recognize this grand deception.

For those who claim that public debt is not an issue, that is simply not true! The youth of Canada are starting to understand they will be paying our bills and that is not fair. In spite of this, mainstream political parties continue to buy votes with promises that are unsustainable

For those who claim the science on Climate Change is settled, that is simply not true! The master plan for many is to strand our energy resources (fossil fuels, nuclear & hydro) irrespective of the fact such action will decimate our economy to the detriment of many social support programmes.

For those who continue to feel that political correctness is not a real issue, that is simply not true! Institutionalized, state-sanctioned political correctness has replaced good manners which evolved over centuries. Add political correctness to a climate of victimhood which pervades all walks of life and we have a real problem unique to western countries and manipulated and leveraged by other non-democratic nations.

These and other problems exist and all of us ‘deplorables’ in Renfrew County and across Canada know it. That is true! It is also true that only one party is honest enough to take on these issues and that is the PPC!

Thank you,

David Ainsworth

Candidate – People’s Party of Canada

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