The Current has received this letter to the editor from David Hunter of Combermere Lodge Limited (shown above speaking at the Aug.29 2019 public meeting)
Dear Editor
Combermere Lodge Limited (CLL) is the proponent for the Chippawa Shores project.
We read with interest your article of March 25th, 2020 regarding the formation of a citizens group to petition against the timely passage of the attendant Zoning By-Law Amendment to implement the Draft Plan Approval of the Chippawa Shores Subdivision.
We have two comments:
1. The CLL application seeks to DOWN ZONE the site.
We strongly encourage the FMRW group to review the Planning Justification Report on the County website along with the existing Township Zoning By-law.
In particular, Section 11.1 Permitted Uses for Tourism Commercial and Section 17.1 (B) Permitted non-Residential Uses for Rural.
The owner is permitted to fully develop up and down the shores of Green Lake and the Madawaska River with Housekeeping Cottages, Park Homes, 35′ High TimeShares etc. without the density restrictions that apply to the current residential proposal.
The 9 hectare RU parcel would be an excellent manicured parkland developed with a large Air BNB with 1200′ of riverfront access.
However, as noted in the Planning Justification Report, CLL believes the proposed large residential lots (3.4 acre average size) are far more compatible with the existing waterfront residential development along neighbouring Tamarack and Ohio Roads.
CLL has made every effort to craft an environmentally sensitive residential development plan. If this plan is not approved, there is no assurance that a new owner, cognisant of the full tourist commercial development potential, would share those interests.
2. Private landowners have a legal right to develop their property in compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act and the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement.
There are timeframes set out for planning authorities to render decisions and to pass By-laws. These timeframes have been exceeded by multiples of the permitted number of days. Notwithstanding this, CLL has continued to work with the municipality and the residents in good faith.
Council will make their decision, and the proper forum for further review will then be the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
In conclusion, CLL has no alternative residential development plan. If the proposed subdivision does not proceed in a timely fashion, we expect that the already permitted full scale Tourist Commercial development of the property will follow.
Yours very truly,
David Hunter
President, Combermere Lodge Ltd
To compare the impact of seasonal camping and trailers to 44 year round executive homes is preposterous.