Valley congratulates and celebrates our 2020 graduates

In light of this year’s unusual circumstances, there is a community effort to highlight the 2020 grads here in the Valley. Congratulations to our young people who have overcome the challenges of learning and who are now moving to the next stage of their education. Here are some of the different ways you’ll see support for our young people from local individuals, businesses and organizations:

  • Grade 8 students at St. John Bosco School in Barry’s Bay are featured on a banner stretching across Hwy. 60 in Barry’s Bay. Above: Kenny Shalla of Madawaska Valley Township Operations as he installed the banner.
  • Supportive teachers and proud parents have been putting congratulatory posts on social media – check the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds to see.
  • Local retailers are proudly displaying posters provided by some of the schools
  • Madawaska Valley District High School (MVDHS) created and published several Facebook live videos in lieu of their annual Arts Night to highlight the work of the secondary school arts students in design, music, fine arts, woodworking, etc.  If you missed them live, you can still check them out on Facebook/MVDHS ARTS. 
  • The graduating class at MVDHS will participate in a virtual graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 25 starting at 6 p.m. on YouTube. Principal Dean Zadow has invited friends and family to tune in LIVE or watch the video afterwards on YouTube.   
  • Community newspapers are publishing articles, e.g. The Current’s report of the MVDHS graduation is coming soon. Meanwhile, Click HERE for the St. John Bosco Kindergarten grads.
  • The municipal website includes the following message from Mayor Love: “To all of the 2020 graduates of George Vanier Catholic School, Madawaska Valley District High School, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College, Sherwood Public School, St. John Bosco Catholic School, Home Schooled Children and our Post-Secondary Students that have left for further education, we express a heartfelt and well-deserved Congratulations! 2020 has been a unique year for all students who had to forego in-class learning and adapt to studies remotely and online. They have overcome many challenges and now have a story to share for many years to come. 2020 will definitely become part of history.”


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