Farmers Markets close the season

Thanksgiving Weekend marked the end of the 2020 Farmers’ Markets season. Vendors at both the Barry’s Bay Market on Friday and the Killaloe Market on Saturday told us about their year so far. In Killaloe, Tiffany and Dan Klatt of Datsa Tasty Street Eats were cooking up a storm for hungry visitors, while their daughter Izabella sat beside the pumpkins. (above)

Killaloe vendor Rachelle Clayton introduced us to the bunnies that she raises and tames for sale as pets. Teddy Bear, a dwarf Netherlands rabbit, is being trained as a therapy bunny for a child patient at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Clayton said her daughter spent some time at CHEO last year and the nurses were very impressed with her tame rabbit. They asked Clayton to train a bunny for a particular patient. Teddy must be more than just tame and cuddly; he also has to be trained for litter box, leash and car. The placid little fellow will soon start his new role bringing joy to a young friend.

Teddy Bear (left) is being trained as a CHEO therapy bunny. Rachelle Clayton also showed us her Lionhead rabbit (right).He is unusual not just because of his fluffy “mane” but also because of his bright blue eyes.

Barry’s Bay market manager Jonathan de Groot told us that after a slow start to the season, the month of September more than made up for it. The Killaloe vendors said they really enjoyed being on the main street on two occasions this season and found that the retailers also were happy with the increased traffic.

Patricia McLee of Casey Street Culinary Sensations is a regular vendor at both Barry’s Bay and Killaloe markets. She pointed out that due to COVID there would be no indoor Christmas Farmers’ Markets this year. She, along with many other vendors, accepts telephone or email orders and e-transfer payments. Tom McCullough, Wilno House Organics, sells at Killaloe and Deep River markets. He said that this year he had re-joined the Ottawa Valley Food Co-op because of the easy, established system for orders and deliveries. Over the years McCullough has developed a customer base as far away as Nepean. He said e-transfer payments and “no-contact” front door deliveries keep his customers safe.

Clockwise from top left: Patricia McLee, Tom McCullough, produce at Killaloe Farmers’ Market, Barry’s Bay Farmers’ Market

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