I have a gift
For You, Lord, this year.
It isn’t wrapped
In glittery cheer.
It’s not a package of any kind.
It’s a present I got
That’s truly mine.
It’s in being loving
To one and all,
Giving forgiveness
When they fall.
It’s in grace
Of being a human being,
To tolerate their errors
Without making a scene.
It’s in giving mercy
Which has been given to me.
I shall extend love –
The Master’s key.
I will show respect
To God and man
By reaching out to others;
Give a helping hand.
I will give my time;
Share from my wealth.
It is by kindness
Hard hearts will melt.
So, dear Lord,
It is in reverent fear
I ask you to accept my gift
With love this year.
Donna Melanson ©2020
image: Magi mosaic The Three Magi, Byzantine mosaic c. 565, Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy
Editor’s note: The Christian Feast of the Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6th (Twelfth Day of Christmas) each year.