In a video released Aug.6 Dr. Rob Cushman, Acting Medical Officer of Health for Renfrew County and District urged residents to get vaccinated – especially those in the western end of the county. Citing Barry’s Bay as a case study, Cushman said the Delta Variant of COVID-19 has had “a devastating effect on the economy of Barry’s Bay because it affects younger people and is more transmissible, and even if you are not really sick in a hospital, it’s going to cripple the economy.”
Cushman outlined the facts
- 13 cases of COVID-19 were identified in the past two to three weeks in Barry’s Bay (population about 1,200). None of these cases was immunized.
- These 13 cases caused 62 high-risk contacts among their family, friends and work colleagues to isolate. Two-thirds of the high-risk contacts were not immunized at all.
- Of the 75 people affected, only five were fully-vaccinated.
- Six businesses were affected, four of those businesses (including Tim Hortons) had to close.
How does this compare to the rest of Renfrew County?
- 11 cases identified in the same two to three week period in all of Renfrew County (population more than 100,000).
COVID-19 vaccinations keep businesses open
As of Aug.6 Cushman estimates 500 work days have been lost due to the 13 cases in Barry’s Bay. He said, “The impact on the economy in a small town, heavily dependent on the tourist trade in the middle of summer when things are easing up and 500 days of work lost can cripple the economy. It is a small economy in Barry’s Bay; there are service industries dependent on tourism – and look what has happened.”
“This is the Delta Variant…. The vaccines are effective against the Delta Variant, but we see what happens when it gets into an unvaccinated group. Once it gets under a roof, pretty much everyone is infected. Same thing applies to a small business where people are in close quarters. It can be devastating.”
Cushman reminds residents that schools are due to open in a few weeks. Everyone should think about what they are doing not only to their family, but also their colleagues at work. He said, “Thirteen cases and those thirteen cases have sent an additional 62 people home.”
Cushman’s message to everyone
It is important to roll up your sleeve and get vaccinated.
Cushman said currently there are 17,000 RCD residents eligible for vaccines but who are unvaccinated. Also in Renfrew County there are about 20,000 children 11 years or under who are not eligible for vaccines. Cushman warns, “Íf you think that we can go forward with the Delta Variant with that number of people unvaccinated? Un-hunh. It will be a field day and a feast for the Delta Variant. That’s why we need to get vaccinated – to protect ourselves, our friends, our loved ones, to keep the hospital safe.”
Click below to view the entire 4 minute video:
Yes well said Tim.
From my personal following of the vaccine response I know of nobody in authority who has said you are not going to get Covid 19 ..Nobody .
Most of the population will eventually get it .
It’s a new Corona virus that will eventually join the other covids which form our common cold . Unfortunately until it does it will sicken people ,vaccinated or not . What being vaccinated does is mitigate your response so that when you get it ( and you will) you may get ill but it’s less likely you won’t get sick enough to be in the ICU . Our medical system is under stress and the front line workers are exhausted. We will need the ICU for those among us who due to medical issues cannot take the vaccine . Your demands for personal rights lose any validity when they endanger some one else’s health .. smoked in a restaurant or public place lately? Get the jab ..wear a mask .
The mainstream media has never allowed any other narrative other than the one that is being parroted throughout our nation. If you want to listen to a virologist who is shouting the alarm listen to Dr. Michael Yeadon who was the Vice President of Pfizer for years and is not an anti vaxer by any stretch of the imagination. He has worked in research as a virologist and an immunologist for over thirty years. Then there is the Canadian immunologist Dr. Bridle from the University of Guelph who has had death threats if one can believe it, simply for shouting the alarm that the spike protein in the shot is leaving the site of the muscle in the arm and moving to others organs including the ovaries, spleen, and even the brain. This ‘vaccine’ is not supposed to cross the blood brain barrier.
The mainstream media attempts to discredit men and women who before this virus were considered the most reputable. Another man is Dr.Peter McCullough who is an eminent cardiologist and has treated hundreds of people with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to the benefit of all of them. If those medications had been given to thousands of people instead of telling them to remain at home until they couldn’t breathe, most would have been over the virus in the early stages father than developing tiny blot clots in the lungs in the inflammatory stage. All of that could have been prevented. I have always taken vaccines and had all of my children vaccinated and believed strongly in the system. But after my son and his daughter educated me and I discovered that their kids MMR vaccine and some others were also made from aborted fetal cells and then this “vaccine” as well I have had to do a lot of research to try to decide what to do. If I watched Global news, CNN, CTV And CBC all day, I would not have gotten up in the morning and I can see why fear has taken over. Tell me, all those posting here…how many people in this area have died? Is the fear proportional to the reality? How many died before even ONE vaccine was given? Take precautions, wash the hands, do your due diligence. Those who are vaccinated are the greatest percentage of those who are coming down with the Delta variant. When all the vaccinated can finally see that they have been misled especially this fall, perhaps then there can begin a conversation with more than one narrative.
This pandemic is creating a population of misinformation. We need to educate ourselves with facts, science and following public health protocols. I am not a virologist, so I follow the experts. How long do we want this pandemic to last for? What about helping society as a whole to combat this virus? This virus is not new, the technology is new. It took 10 years to keep and grow the polio virus and for it to be used to treat that virus. This virus was around for 5 to 10 years and scientists have taken that time to research and test it. The new technology in the vaccine is amazing it’s a break through in science. Instead of growing a virus we can now teach our immune system to develop its own anti bodies and fight off invaders. It uses RNA not dna! There is a huge difference. We need to educate, promote protocols and stay safe. What else are we supposed to do? Not wear masks, not wash hands in a pandemic ? Not get a vaccine that diminishes your chance for becoming hospitized with a ventilator, not to mention it also reduces asysomtomatic transmission, people who have the vaccine could still get it yes but to them it’s just a cold. We need herd immunity of 80 to 90% to stop this virus. Let’s all work together here.
Thank God for the vaccines of polio, tetanus, typhoid, small pox, to name a few. Oh!! What about insulin……should that be banned as well?? If it weren’t for these vaccines how many people would be dead. It’s being extremely selfish to not get the vaccine and possibly infect others. One only has to work in the ICU department of a hospital to see a Covid patient in complete distress, to realize they MUST get the vaccine to save themselves AND others.
As a Registered Health Professional who fully supports public health guidelines and recommendations I can only have gratitude for people like Dr. Cushman and all other front line health workers who have had the tedious task of attempting to get us safely through this pandemic. I also find it interesting and amusing how some individuals have suddenly become experts in epidemiology and have found a way to link their comments to their religious beliefs. What happened to caring for others, love of neighbour?
Dr. Cushman,
Where have you been? If you look at the stats in the U.S, multitudes of vaccinated individuals are getting the Delta variant, so your statement does not jive with the science. The Delta variant is more transmissible but much weaker. Another untruth that you state is that all the vaccinated are covered for the Delta variant. NOT TRUE.
The eminent cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough (and many other virologists with decades in this field,) has stated that the COVID vaccine is now obsolete and based on the deaths and adverse reactions, they should cease administering it as it does not even protect against the Delta variant and that the original strain of Covid 19 is no longer around. Covid 19 has NEVER been isolated. What we have are a group of symptoms.
The Nuremberg Code came into being after the Second World War because Hitler had his “doctors” experiment on helpless people, forcing on them , medicines and procedures against their will. The code was to protect individuals in the future to never allow any abuse of power against the people’s rights.
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zenica all have a relationship with having used aborted fetal cells in either the testing or the production of these gene therapies. These companies are making billions upon billions of dollars on the backs of an abortion industry, with pharmaceutical companies at the front of the line with their hands out for live body parts from babies for their ghoulish research. And all of this funded by the FDA!!! the NIH!! Fauci is in knee deep.
These ‘vaccines’ have made them rich beyond their wildest dreams. Billions of vials of injections going out all over the world . We are propping up the abortion industry and many don’t even know it, or care. And we consider ourselves so civilized! Man has lost touch with the reality of the evil that is in our present midst. Our hardheartedness and indifference is staggering. As Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas said “I do not want to live on the backs of those who had to die.”
Another point. They cannot be called vaccines because these are emergency experimental trials that will not be up until 2023. So, in essence, what most people do not know, is that THEY are the experiment and that none of these pharmaceutical companies can be sued or held responsible for adverse reactions or deaths. When they attempted to make a vaccine for Sars COv 2 the animals , when vaccinated and who then came in contact with another virus, t all died in the trials, so the trials were immediately halted. Many are against the vaccines on the moral grounds of wanting absolutely no cooperation with any drug that uses murdered unborn children, in order for them to gain life. Others, rightly, object to being experimented on, with a drug that, as time goes on, we see the millions of adverse affects and deaths around the world due to these dangerous gene therapies. The Center for Disease Control has on its own site, the VAERS ( vaccine adverse effects reaction ) which has now over half a million severe adverse reactions ( blood clots, brain damage, neurological disorders)and 12,000 deaths, which a whistleblower in the NIH has said is more like 50,000. And that is with only 1% reporting of these deaths and adverse reactions. So these numbers can be multiplied many times over.
Is THAT for the ‘common good”? Is THAT “doing the right thing”? Doctors have been crying out, warning the population that when this fall arrives with its viruses as it does each year, those who have been vaccinated are at high risk to have gravely dangerous auto immune responses that the body will not be able to handle, due to the spike protein in these injections. How is it that the whole globe is parroting the very same talking points? How is it that those who are promoting one world government and population control are huge investors of the injections. Look no farther than Bill Gates. As one Jewish doctor, who treated Trump with simple, safe, inexpensive drugs stated. :They say that this is a conspiracy theory. No, this is a conspiracy.”
How quickly we have allowed fear to overtake us. How quickly we have looked upon our neighbor with scorn because they, in conscience decided to say NO to an unproven unsafe trial drug involved with unborn fetuses. This is not about science at all. This is not even about politics, although the politicians and many scientists are the pawns. This is about evil , brilliant in all its power. This is about global dominance, which will end in the people being coerced into taking a microchip in the hand in order to shop, to travel, to live, to do banking. This is a battle of Principalities. If we cannot see it, may God help those who cannot see. How quickly did we get from A to B to passports people!
p.s. Bill gates and Moderna sought patents for the Covid virus way back in the early 2000’s. Moderna began their production of the “vaccines” months before we ever knew of Covid. How can that be people? Start doing your research.
The Catholic Church’s Catechism states”” Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters.” ( Catechism of the Catholic church #1782 )
Your comment, complete with references to McCullough and Strickland and the Catechism of the Catholic Church appears to be an accurate summary of opinions expressed in Lifesitenews. The fact that folks here write, believe and base health decisions on these opinions explains why Barry’s Bay/Madawaska Valley is experiencing more significant Covid problems than other communities in Renfrew County.
Wow what a thrill ride Christine! It really has everything doesn’t it. Fauci, Hitler, Bill Gates, the “Jewish doctor” that treated Trump (seems like a missed opportunity not to mention of the space lasers? perhaps next time) I was also disappointed to see that while you did mention a farcical “eminent cardiologist” in your response you completely ignored what the eminent podiatrists, or in your case, eminent phrenologists have to say on the matter.
I must admit that I was surprised that you signed off with the Catechism of the Catholic Church because up to that point nothing you wrote gave any clues that you were a practicing Catholic.
You see I am a Catholic also. Except instead of shopping around online looking for the most crackpot Bishop to quote from, I take counsel from the one that ministers to my Diocese. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on 11 March 2021 stated that “since there is currently no choice of vaccine being offered, Catholics in good conscience, may receive the vaccine that is available and offered to them.” The Vatican, via the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said “It must therefore be considered that, in such a case, all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive.”
Although you may have a myriad of justifications for resisting vaccination, please don’t claim to have a Catholic one. Sorry.
That you can expend such energy, and I assume miles of yarn elaborately pinned to pictures, fabricating Leviathan after Leviathan in the web while the real picture, that of an opportunity of Catholic sacrifice and Christian fellowship is squandered, is where those looks of scorn you mentioned come from.
I agree with Mark Woermke….what a lame excuse for not being vaccinated.!!
Firstly, may I defend Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas, who is one of the most holy bishops in the United States, who defends life as no other. I will refrain from responding to your unchristian remarks and simply quote from the National Catholic Bioethics Center, which then quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
“At the core of the Church’s teaching are the first and last points listed above: vaccination is not a universal obligation and a person must obey the judgement of his or her own informed and certain conscience. In fact, the Catechism of the Catholic Church instructs that following ones conscience is following Christ Himself.
“In all he says and does, man is obliged to follow what he knows to be just and right. It is by the judgment of his conscience that man perceives and recognizes the prescriptions of the divine law:
Conscience is a law of the mind; yet (Christians) would not grant that it is nothing more….
(Conscience) is a messenger of him, who, both in nature and in grace, speaks to us behind a veil, and teaches and rules us by his representatives. Conscience is the aboriginal Vicar of Christ.” CCC#1777
Therefore, if a Catholic comes to an informed and sure judgment in conscience that he or she should not receive a vaccine, then the Catholic Church requires that the person FOLLOW THIS CERTAIN JUDGMENT OF CONSCIENCE AND REFUSE THE VACCINE. The Catechism is CLEAR: “Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions.” He must NOT BE FORCED TO ACT CONTRARY TO HIS CONSCIENCE. Nor must he be PREVENTED from acting according to his conscience, ESPECIALLY in religious matters.”
So you see Mark, you can quote the Canadian Bishops, but if you wrote them, they too would have to agree with the Catechism and what it teaches. I wonder if, now that all the negative results have come out from all over the world, if their position would change due to the common good and the safety issues. Each bishop has the freedom to receive it or not. But there are those, including Bishop Schneider, Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Vigano and many others throughout the world who are standing in conscience for the unborn, who have nobody to speak for them. As a Catholic, one is called to defend the unborn, so why would you object to those whose conscience will not allow them to get the jab? Why is it that those who have taken the “vaccine” do not allow those who have said not to it, to have the freedom of their decisions?
Some other points to keep in mind:-
Covid vaccines have become available to under-65s only recently in the last few weeks and younger people are perhaps less aware of the need to get vaccinate;
there are a lot more tourists and visitors passing through now so there is much more opportunity for infected visitors to introduce new Covid infections;
the Delta variant seems to be much more virulent and better adapted to spreading in summer weather;
this is a very lightly populated region with many people living in the backwoods so it’s often very inconvenient for people in remote areas to actually come into town to get vaccinated.
They need to promote vaccination at “street-level” more aggressively:-
local employers should insist that all employees get vaccinated;
they could put direct-mail postcards into all mailboxes and also distribute some at local retail businesses such as supermarkets to promote vaccination;
they could prepare vaccination posters which local retail businesses could display in their front windows;
they should run a walk-in clinic in Barry’s Bay at least two or three days per week
and also make this available to visitors and display big street signs on Hwy 60 to direct people to same;
the local vaccination clinic also should have at least one screened privacy booth for people who need to partly undress by removing a shirt or blouse to expose their upper arm:- those open vaccination stations can inhibit a lot of people.
Another thing which might help would be to have temporary 7-day vaccination clinics until Thanksgiving at the east and west gates of Algonquin Park run directly by the provincial government:- perhaps they could run a lottery for visitors to the Park with first prize being a nice 7-day paid vacation at an Algonquin resort to anyone who either gets vaccinated or has proof of prior vaccination
So yes, it’s all fine and well for Dr Cushman to sternly lecture us about the need for more vaccination but they also need to market this need to the “customers” a bit more effectively and enthusiastically:- the problem is no longer a shortage of vaccine doses but one of getting all the “slowpokes in the groove” and persuading everyone to be vaccinated. Perhaps along with all those dour and stern medical experts who constantly warn us about the apocalyptic consequences of not being vaccinated perhaps they should hire a “chief marketer” to orchestrate a provincial ad campaign to “sell” this program to the people.
“Covid vaccines have become available to under-65s only recently in the last few weeks…” WHAT are you talking about? I am almost a decade under that age and I was vaccinated in May.
Your comments indicate little real knowledge of what’s going on here, and those of your suggestions which are even possible, are already in place.
Kudos to Eva for highlighting some of the media hype that is prone to misleading the public whereas the facts are glaringly opposite. For example, the NY Times on Aug. 8, cited that 171 people out of approx. 370 million died of the virus yesterday. In a “Hall of Mirrors” you must break some glass to see clearly. I am not an anti-vaxxer but there is some question on the veracity of our public health authorities and politicians who in their techno-narcissism have convinced us that a miraculous vaccine could be engineered at warp speed to defeat the spread of Covid-19, a virus with a low death rate. The efficacy of this therapy (not vaccine as Cushman the marketer calls it) comes into question when one surveys jurisdictions like Iceland with over 95% vaccinated which has done very little to mitigate the spread of the Delta variant: ditto for Israel. Cushman should study the 2015 report by the esteemed society of epidemiologists who wrote in the Journal called PLOS Biology which conclusively states that a therapy like the one for Covid 19 causes other side effects to surface, especially the latent effects of their main ingredient, the “Spike Protein” which can induce damage to blood vessels as it does not stay resident in the deltoids but migrates to the most important 8 soft organs in the body, i.e. heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. Cushman may want to Google and review some of the biopsies that have shown the inflammation index of the spike protein on these critical organs.
One also questions the veracity of politicians who make noise about a national vaccine mandate, when last Saturday at Obama’s 60th birthday party at Martha’s Vineyard where 500 people (or elites of society like Pelosi), and no masks were visible in this confined space and social distancing was completely ignored, and Obama was seen conferring with Kamala Harris, Susan Rice and 2 other high ranking government officials in a space the size of a clothes closet a foot apart and maskless.
I too hope and pray that the vaccine finally resolves the Covid problem, and some light is on the horizon as Pfizer announced that the FDA may give its approval in 6 months’ time, and the efficacy of the vaccine does not wane over a few months’ time. Till then do not be reassured this is the panacea for the Covid 19 spread as advocated by its marketers.