Sticking it

OPINION It has been an incredibly hard year and a half. And it looks like we have at least another nine months of this … maybe more. There have been several vaccines – two of which were in the making for thirty years: Pfizer and Moderna – both mRNA vaccines. …

27 Sept. 2021

Boycott bug spreads to all members of MV Council Readers may recall from our Sept.6 editorial on the subject of municipal transparency that The Current proposed starting an online forum this fall designed to facilitate lines of communication between MV residents and members of Madawaska Valley Council. Our only role would …

Positive COVID-19 tests of students at two Catholic schools in RCD

The following was released Sept.27 2021 by RCDHU and RCCDSB jointly: Today, Sept.27, Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) in collaboration with the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board (RCCDSB) is confirming that one student from Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School and one student from St. Joseph’s High …

Post-election refresher – Canadian Democracy 101

OPINION It is the height of understatement to say that no one seems satisfied with the outcome of the recent Federal election. With the re-election of Mrs Gallant, the electorate of Renfrew-Nippissing-Pembroke remained divided into two distinct solitudes: those very proud of the re-election of the local candidate but astonished …

Renfrew hospitals to implement mandatory vaccination policy for visitors

The following was distributed by all five Renfrew County hospitals on Sept.23: To help curb the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of those requiring hospital care, hospitals in Renfrew County will be aligning with others in the Champlain region to implement a mandatory vaccination policy for hospital visitors, …

20 Sept. 2021

COVID-19 vaccine clinics The next Barry’s Bay Walk-In Clinic is Thursday Sept.23 at St. Francis Memorial Hospital from 2 pm to 6 pm. No appointment is necessary. Parking token provided. Vaccines offered are Pfizer and Moderna. Check out The Current’s Notices page for clinic news and more. National Day for …

Mouthguard season

Fall is in the air. It’s sunny but cool — time for long pants and sweaters, pumpkin spice and leaves changing colour. It’s time to tidy up after summer and prepare for winter. That means it’s mouthguard season! Above multi-coloured mouthguards. Photo courtesy Barry’s Bay Dental Hygiene Clinic There’s no …

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