Mouthguard season

Fall is in the air. It’s sunny but cool — time for long pants and sweaters, pumpkin spice and leaves changing colour. It’s time to tidy up after summer and prepare for winter. That means it’s mouthguard season! Above multi-coloured mouthguards. Photo courtesy Barry’s Bay Dental Hygiene Clinic There’s no …

Spring cleaning

Spring has sprung! The yard is starting to get a green haze and when I look close, I see the tiny little shoots of grass growing up through the dead brown winter kill. The robins are back, the chipmunks and raccoons have left their hibernation beds. There are so many …

Halloween hacks

Halloween can be a very difficult time to take care of your teeth. The excitement, the late night, the sugar — there are so many factors working against the mouth. Prevention is the key to oral health. Here are some hacks that will help save your family’s teeth from the …

Gift from the heart 2019

April 6, 2019 marks the eleventh annual Gift From The Heart event. For those who don’t know, Gift From The Heart (GFTH) is the day when registered dental hygienists open their hearts and provide no-cost dental hygiene services to those who can’t afford regular dental hygiene care. The Barry’s Bay …

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