Have you got the answers?

The Madawaska Valley Public Library (MVPL) has a lot of questions, and they are hoping you might have some of the answers.

Trivia Night, the most popular MVPL annual event , has been tweaked to allow teams to play remotely, where teams will play under the honour system rather than battle head-to-head, as a way of adjusting for the pandemic. Teams will need to carve out 2 hours to play together, either remotely or in-person, and then drop off their answers in the envelope provided to the library book-drop.

The registration deadline for 6-player teams is December 10th, and trivia packages can be picked up at the library from December 20th to 24th. Alternatively, if you prefer a digital copy, they will be emailed on December 23rd.

Teams need to return their completed answers by January 4th, either via the Book Drop or by email to admin@madawaskavalleylibrary.ca. Results will be posted no later than January 7th. The cost is $25/team.

Typically, Trivia Night is the best source of fundraising, but the pandemic has forced the library to think creatively. Library CEO, Karen Filipkowski, says the library is always looking for new ways to raise funds that assist with programs and services.

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