In response to the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke Liberal Riding Association nominating their candidate for the upcoming provincial election later today, Kurt Stoll shares:
“The NDP are in the best position of any party to challenge the Conservatives in Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke. In the most recent provincial and federal elections, the NDP have come in second place behind the Conservatives and have widened the margin over the Liberals considerably.
More and more people are casting their vote for the NDP because they’ve lived through Conservative cuts to our social services and know that Liberal half-measures won’t fix the challenges they face. As your MPP, I’ll work alongside education and health care workers to repair what’s been broken by consecutive Liberal and Conservative governments.
If you’re ready to send a candidate to Queens Park you can be proud of, get involved with my campaign. I can’t do it without you.”
The NDP came in second place in both the most recent provincial and federal elections, and Kurt Stoll is in the best position of any candidate to challenge Conservative MPP John Yakabuski. While the Liberal’s are just getting their candidate confirmed, Kurt Stoll and his team have been hard at work for weeks canvassing, phone banking, and putting up signs across the riding.
All interested volunteers are welcome to join. Contact Dorian Pearce, Campaign Manager, Kurt Stoll for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke at
Pearce,D.,Kurt Stoll for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke(2022,May7) Response to Liberal Nomination Meeting [media release]