Reader applauds Barry’s Bay Legion for Veterans’ Banners

Lest we forget

For decades the Barry’s Bay Legion and its members have supported our amalgamated communities in untold ways. I, as a nearly fifty year resident in the now named Madawaska Valley Township wish to thank the Barry’s Bay Legion for undertaking, once more, the Veterans’ Banner Program. Above: viewing the first 59 banners raised in 2021.

Every resident of this fine and beautiful area should take the time to walk the streets of Barry’s Bay and Combermere to pay homage to these brave veterans portrayed so handsomely in our communities. These were of the “Best Generation” willing to sacrifice for God, King and Country. Take the time to honour them. Their spirits are present in our streets. The veterans stories could and should be told and recorded. Let the youth of our community become aware of their history, their sacrifices and their loyalty.  

Ron MacDonald


One comment

  1. Eve-Marie Chamot

    Perhaps they could also set up a website with the pictures and details on it for each veteran:- They do not die whom we do not forget. I walked around once a while back reading all the banners during the Covid lockdown and it was a lot of walking! I hope they also have banners for the lads who died at war:- one especially sad story was Ambrose Maika (I think that’s his name) who was a gunner who died in the Netherlands on May 2, 1945, just a few days before the war ended.:- his name is on a plaque just inside the front door of St Casimir’s RC Church at Round Lake Centre.

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