NDP announce Marshall Buchanan to run in Renfrew-Nippissing-Pembroke

The Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke NDP is thrilled to announce Marshall Buchanan as their candidate for the upcoming provincial election. Marshall, a lifelong advocate for community-driven solutions, is eager to bring new energy to the riding and deliver real results for the people of the Ottawa Valley.

For over 20 years, the Conservative government has held this riding, delivering broken promises and failing to prioritize the needs of rural Ontarians. From healthcare and education to investments in local infrastructure, the Ottawa Valley deserves a government and a premier who truly give a damn about rural communities.

Marshall Buchanan is excited to join the Ontario NDP team led by Marit Stiles, who has demonstrated her commitment to rural Ontario. Stiles has visited Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke and other rural ridings across the province, taking the time to learn about our unique challenges and strengths. From understanding the importance of our nuclear energy sector and Garrison Petawawa to meeting with local municipal leaders, farmers, and small business owners, she has proven her dedication to fighting for our communities.

Marshall Buchanan stated:
“I’m honored to run as the NDP candidate for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke. Before entering politics, I have been a small business owner and community builder – leading new opportunities in local food, agri-tourism, education, youth sports, forest management and economic development.  I am a leader that listens and delivers.  The Conservatives have their priorities mixed-up.  They’ve increased access to beer, but let us down on health care, wasteful spending and ethics.  It’s time for a new approach.  I am committed to finding practical solutions that fit Renfrew County.  We need to restore hope and integrity to public office.”

Dez Bair-Patel, President of the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke NDP Riding Association, added:
“Marshall Buchanan represents the change this riding so desperately needs. For far too long, the Conservatives have taken our communities for granted, delivering empty promises while ignoring the real needs of rural Ontarians. The Ontario NDP, under Marit Stiles’ leadership, has shown they are serious about fighting for rural areas like ours. Marshall will be a champion for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke, and I’m proud to stand behind him.”

The people of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke deserve leadership that prioritizes their voices and delivers results. The Ontario NDP is committed to a government that invests in healthcare, education, and infrastructure, while supporting workers, farmers, and small businesses. This election, let’s bring a fresh perspective and bold ideas to Queen’s Park. It’s time to change the spark plugs in Renfrew County.  It’s time for Marshall Buchanan.

Pearce,D.,Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke’s NDP(2025,Jan.28) Marshall Buchanan Announced as NDP Candidate for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke [media release]

One comment

  1. Eve-Marie Chamot

    This article is quite unfair to John Yakabuski, our retiring MPP. Yes, he did hold this riding for 22 years but the PC party has formed a government only since 2018 and the Liberals before that since 2003 so you cannot really blame the PCs for the “broken promises” etc of the provincial Liberals. All the parties have a very strong GTA focus and the NDP might even be worse than the others. A big problem in rural areas is a chronic shortage of physicians which started with Bob Rae’s NDP in 1990 when he decided that the best way to control healthcare costs was to seriously restrict the number of physicians graduating each year plus to have a bureaucrat riding around on the back of each physician micro-managing them to the tiniest detail so that now no one actually wants to go to med school unless they can emigrate quickly to the USA after graduating. The NDP are also very addicted to inflicting every conceivable form of social-engineering on society and the antics of Jagmeet Singh don’t inspire any public confidence about their cognitive abilities. There is a reason why the NDP never enjoy much support outside the big cities:- people have very long memories about their smugly sanctimonious incompetence in the past. Instead of braying about “broken promises” perhaps the NDP candidate should tell us about how they will repair the harm the NDP caused long ago by restricting medical school graduations plus imposing excessive micro-management on physicians.

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