Pumpkin pie bear

September had come — the hills flaunted their fall colours, the air was cool, and you could smell the aroma of wet leaves and the rich earth. For many reasons, autumn has always been my favourite time of year, even if it meant returning to the confines of our school …

Expect the unexpected

Many years have passed since this took place — I would say somewhere in the ‘mid-90s. Any pics have long disappeared; only the memory remains, a memory some would like to forget. It had started snowing in mid-October; by the first week of November deer season was in full swing. …


As an entrepreneurial young lad always in need of pocket money, I worked at many odd jobs in our small town, usually for a dollar an hour. I would catch and sell worms and frogs, split and pile wood, dig trenches in the rocks and sometimes into the lake, and …

The predicament

It was the 1960s, I was 13 years old and growing up way too quickly. In those days a boy was a man at 13 but that kind of thinking got me into a predicament. You see, I was thinking about a huge bass, the one I had seen earlier …

The orphan

Editor’s note: For all the dads who enjoy stories about wildlife in the Valley … Happy Father’s Day from The Current. Spring and summer are beautiful times of year and 2011 seemed especially lovely. I don’t remember if there were the usual hordes of black-flies or an onslaught of sharp nosed …

A bearable morning

It was a beautiful sunny day on June 16 2016 and I had decided to drive into Barry’s Bay. The time was 10:30 a.m.; Alex and Vicki were having a coffee on the deck overlooking the lake. I retrieved my truck keys, checked for my wallet and walked out the …

Cougars – The Return

Photo: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Mountain lion (Cougar) Scientific name: Puma concolor It was November 11, 2017 and a gentle snow had been falling for most of the afternoon. We were heading to town on Siberia Road when a large cat suddenly came out of the ditch. It …

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