Thoughts on proposed redevelopment of Lakeshore Park on Barry’s Bay waterfront

Editor’s note: The Current welcomes a new occasional contributor, Barry’s Bay resident Roger Prince, who provides the following commentary about the proposed redevelopment of the Kamaniskeg Lake waterfront in Barry’s Bay. On Jan.17 I attended our township council meeting when the consulting firm Beacon Environmental presented their Concept Plan Report …

MV dumps Giorno and Young-Lovelace as Integrity Commissioners — appoints replacement

Editorial At the Jan.17 Regular Council meeting, the newly-elected Council of Madawaska Valley passed a By-Law to appoint Tony E. Fleming of the firm Cunningham Swan Lawyers as Integrity Commissioner for the Township. Fleming is based in Kingston, where he is the supervising partner in the firm’s Municipal Law group. …

Hockey Canada, the Ottawa Police Service, and the Catholic Church

Opinion What would Hockey Canada, the Ottawa Police Servoce, and the Catholic Church have in common? Lately, these three entities have been in the news due to issues related to a problematic internal culture, leadership and governance structures, and a reluctance to change. In the last week of October, we …

Why BLR Incumbents don’t want to talk about E4m

Opinion Editor’s Note: This opinion by BLR resident Michael McCloskey is part of our ongoing investigation into the questionable practices arising from the collaboration of Expertise for Municipalities (E4m Solutions), Wishart Law, and Investigative Solutions Network (ISN). It is a follow-up to our article “BLR Councillor objects to high costs …

Muzzled MV media helps muddy the waters – Prince unhappy about news suppression in The Leader and Valley Gazette

Editorial Yesterday The Current published an article reporting on misinformation being spread by one of the incumbent candidates for Madawaska Valley (MV) Council. His ability to mislead the public has been assisted by the inexcusable refusal on the part of the Valley Gazette and The Eganville Leader to report to …

The Logging of Russel Ridge

Mountain top clearing in Killaloe feared by Madawaska Highland residents Note: This opinion piece was submitted for publication by Christopher Huggett, (Former) Independent  Forest Research Associate and Auditor, Temagami District, Ontario now resident in Killaloe-Hagarty-Richards. The Wilno Hills, like the rest of the Madawaska Valley, is no stranger to logging. On …

Access to a death with dignity

Note: The following opinion piece which highlights the lack of availability of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to patients in Western Renfrew County was submitted by Dr. Lynsay Lane, on behalf of the Renfrew County MAiD Access Committee. In June 2016, the Parliament of Canada passed federal legislation that allows …

Public interest news and information suppression in Madawaska Valley is a disgrace

EDITORIAL On May 19th last year a Court hearing took place that had important implications for the residents of Madawaska Valley. Superior Court Justice Adriana Doyle had to decide whether it was in the public interest to strike out (i.e. apply a “gag order” to) the legal action commenced by …

Sticking it

OPINION It has been an incredibly hard year and a half. And it looks like we have at least another nine months of this … maybe more. There have been several vaccines – two of which were in the making for thirty years: Pfizer and Moderna – both mRNA vaccines. …

Post-election refresher – Canadian Democracy 101

OPINION It is the height of understatement to say that no one seems satisfied with the outcome of the recent Federal election. With the re-election of Mrs Gallant, the electorate of Renfrew-Nippissing-Pembroke remained divided into two distinct solitudes: those very proud of the re-election of the local candidate but astonished …

Assisted by a complicit CAO, MV Council flouts its obligations of transparency, accountability and integrity

EDITORIAL Any investigative journalist searching for truth becomes used to stonewalling tactics aimed at hiding the facts. Individuals or companies who have potential negative reputational or financial consequences by sharing information will often decide that discretion is the better part of valour. Such self-interest is perhaps understandable so far as …

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