MV to renew lease with Wilno Heritage Society

Pictured: Peter Glofcheskie, Wilno Heritage Society

At the April 17 Regular Council meeting, the Wilno Heritage Society asked the Township of Madawaska Valley to renew the Society’s lease of Wilno Heritage Park for a further 20 years. On behalf of the Society, Peter Glofcheskie also requested that the Township include some additional land to be used for parking and storage, to which the Council agreed.

Mayor Kim Love and the other two members of Council who were present, Councillors Peplinski and Maika, congratulated the Wilno Heritage Society on their achievements during the term of the first 20 year lease. When asked by Love, Glofcheskie confirmed that the Society  was agreeable to a new lease being based on the existing one.

Council directed staff to work with the municipal lawyer to draft the new lease. They proposed no increase in the $2.00 per year rent. They agreed that instead of an official site visit, members of Council would take a look around the site on Kashub Day next month. The existing lease expires on July 6 2018 so Love said they would ensure a new lease and a By-Law was prepared and ready for Council’s approval at the Regular Council meeting on July 3.

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