Parking mishap puts paid to pocket park pergola

Photo: Mark Woermke

A large delivery van attempting to drive on the lane between Talk O’ The Town and V&S Stedmans in Barry’s Bay knocked down the pergola in the pocket park on Opeongo Line.  The mishap occurred at about 3:15 p.m. today. The park had been constructed in recent years between the two shops on land owned by MAD Outdoors as a result of recommendations made through community consultations with the Greening Main Street Committee and design students from Carleton University. No one was injured in the incident.

Shown above surveying the damage are downtown merchants Valerie Manion (left) of Talk O’ The Town, Ted Williamson of V&S Stedmans and Tom Ryan (back) of MAD Outdoors.



The mini-park was completed in the summer of 2017 with planting by the Madawaska Valley Horticultural Society. Williamson (above) said,

It’s a shame because a lot of people like to sit in the shade.


    • Debbie Marshall

      The auto insurance company for the delivery van will pay to replace or repair the pergola, let’s hope it’s done before the National judges for Communities in Bloom are here July 19-21st.

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