The Current provides this brief summary of some items of business at the Aug. 13 meeting. The first portion of the meeting was devoted to a presentation by the Township’s Integrity Commissioner, Guy Giorno, and questions from Council regarding same. Immediately following his presentation, Councillor Shelley Maika issued a public apology to Ms. Beverley Moore for comments she had made about Ms. Moore’s volunteer work with the Lakeshore Tennis Club. This section of the Aug. 13 meeting will be reported separately.
Staffing changes at Township Hall
Council approved the recommendation from CAO/Clerk Suzanne Klatt to modify the existing organizational chart which shows a Treasurer/Deputy Clerk position to a Treasurer and a Deputy Treasurer. Council approved the appointment of Amanda Hudder as Acting Treasurer and the appointment of Janice Zelney as Acting Deputy Treasurer. Readers will recall that The Current reported the resignation of Interim Treasurer Ross Jeffrey on July 24.
Council approved Klatt’s recommendation to appoint Gwen Dombroski as Deputy Clerk and modify the revised job description to include Planning Lottery Licensing and duties as reflected in the Municipal Act as designate for the Municipal Clerk.
Klatt explained the recommendations reflect the importance she places on cross training, succession planning and business continuity. She recommended the two positions in the Finance Department be acting positions until the job descriptions and roles are weighted and she can assess if the structure works to address Township needs. Klatt also recommended the Communications and Media role be merged with the Recreation Coordinator position so that the Deputy Clerk can cross train in Planning.
Family feud erupts over shoreline road allowance purchase
The third and final reading of By-Law 2018-75 regarding a Shoreline Road Allowance closure and disposition along Long Lake prompted a heated discussion at Madawaska Valley Council meeting on August 13. The application was opposed by one of the two owners of the adjoining property who had questioned the location of the property line. Council invited Wallace Simpson, surveyor, to speak to the issue and he confirmed that the survey sketch in the proposed By-Law was correct. He also said that the iron stake he had placed on the property was now missing from the point indicated on the survey and said that removal of a survey stake was a serious offence. Members of council questioned Simpson, examined correspondence and heard from various persons present. After about three-quarters of an hour Mayor Love halted the discussion and called for a vote. After the By-Law passed Third Reading, those who had spoken to the matter left the council chambers but could be heard arguing loudly in the corridor until CAO/Clerk Sue Klatt temporarily left the meeting and escorted them from the building.
A further article will be published later this week.
When might we expect the further reporting mentioned above?