Library Trivia Night successful again

The annual Trivia Night fundraiser for Madawaska Valley Public Library was held at the Barry’s Bay Legion on August 14. Library CEO Karen Filipkowski said the event is an important fundraiser because donations and sponsorship mean there are few expenses and the entry fees go directly into the Library’s coffers.

In true community spirit, most of the competitors are there for an evening of fun. But after the first question, it becomes clear they are also motivated by the possibility of bragging rights if they bag the trophy. As usual, the 2019 trivia teams were creative with their names. Two examples were rival municipalities of Brudenell, Lyndoch, Raglan and Madawaska Valley who called themselves Middle of the Pack and Not So Great Expectations.


This year’s trophy was won by Food for Thought. Team members (above) were (back row) Terry Newcombe and David Thompson;, (front from left) Patricia McLee, Paul Thompson, Andrea Stelmach, Christine Thompson. They told The Current that their best round was the Crossword Round. Their competitors who placed in the Top Three were the Barry’s Bay Outwitters and the Bay Street Connections.

Trivia buffs felt there were plenty of tricky questions this year, among them the requirement to know the total career points scored by the hockey-playing Gretzky brothers, Wayne and Brent. Scroll down for Brent’s score!

As always, there were many volunteers who made the event happen – from Library Board members collecting answer sheets to a table full of hard-working scorers. Long-standing MC Brian Tyrrell was on hand to act as emcee again this year. The Library thanked the Barry’s Bay Legion for hosting Trivia Night, and in particular Mike Poliquin, Dave Eagles and Shawn Eagles. Tyrrell read out a list of this year’s sponsors: The Royal Canadian Legion – Barry’s Bay Branch 406, Lorraine’s Pharmasave, Wilno Tavern, Barry’s Bay Outfitters, The Madawaska Valley Current, MAD Outdoors and the Madawaska Valley District Horticultural Society.

The Library wants trivia buffs to provide some feedback on the Trivia Night by completing and returning a brief survey to the Library. Everyone is welcome to complete the survey – not just the 2019 competitors.


The Current’s trivia team Robert Howe (left), Yvette Boudreau-Smith, Roger Paul, Danielle Paul, Lynne Howe





ANSWER: Brent Gretsky scored 4 points during his career.

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