Sept. 1

OPP warn against distracted driving

With back-to-school pedestrians and school buses making roads, sidewalks and crosswalks busier next week, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is conducting a Labour Day Long Weekend Distracted Driving Campaign to underscore the importance of paying full attention to driving.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Alison Jevons, Provincial Commander, OPP Traffic Safety and Operational Support, says: “Drivers who use their cell phone or are distracted in other ways continue to endanger the lives of people of all ages who share the road with them, be it as a driver, passenger, pedestrian or cyclist. With the new school year set to begin, we need all motorists to make a firm commitment to keeping all forms of distraction out of the driver’s seat.”


New beginnings

It’s back to school time for the younger generation, but what about you? The free weekly Wellness Walk is a great way to start your own fitness program this fall. This gentle 1.8km walk around Barry’s Bay is designed to nourish your physical and mental health. Meet at St. Hedwig’s Parish at 10.30 a.m. rain or shine. Open to all; children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For details contact the Madawaska Valley Family Health Team at 613.756.9888 ext.5


MV Fire Dept pumper truck replacement

Chief Fire Official Cory Quade told MV Council on August 27 that the responses to a recent tender to replace the 1989 pumper truck came in at substantially higher than the amount budgeted for the purchase. He said they could re-write the Request For Proposal, investigate purchase of a stock vehicle that might be available closer to the budgeted amount, or decide to accept one of the tenders. Council directed Quade to use the 60 day period of the tenders to investigate the cost of a stock vehicle and to observe the terms of the Township’s Procurement By-Law with regard to the suppliers who had submitted bids.


Annual Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox Run/Walk for Cancer Research kicks off from Lakeshore Park at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday Sept. 15. Run, walk or wheel the route. Live music, barbeque at the park follows. Register at


Live music around the Valley

Stay close to home for live music in the next few weeks. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find nearby:

  • Fri. Sept. 6 Country Music Jam with Kyle McKee and Grant Tomkinson (host Tom Martel) at the Wilno Tavern.
  • Tues. Sept. 10 and 24 The eMTee’s Band at the Wilno Tavern . Other Tuesdays in September feature the Wilno Blues Band.
  • Sept. 13 “HILLBILLY DELUXE” BAND with Tom Martel Jr, Breanna Luckasavitch, Willy Rivail, Rich Allen and Tom Martel Sr. at the Wilno Tavern
  • Sept. 14 Paul Reddick duo at the Heartwood Restaurant, Combermere 8 p.m. $25 at the door
  • Sept. 28 Festival of Small Halls featuring Union Duke at Combermere Community Centre, Combermere 7:30 pm $25 plus $2 service fee
  • Sept. 29 The Minnie Opry Show at Killaloe and Area Lions Club. A benefit for Killaloe Seniors’ Friendship club & CRC senior Active Living Centre. Light buffet included. 1 p.m. Tickets $15 in advance or $20 at the door. CRC 613.757.3108


Turtle news

Think Turtle Conservation Initiative asks for your vigilance over the next few weeks as this year’s turtle hatchlings emerge from their nests. These loonie-sized little creatures are on the move towards wetlands where they can shelter and grow for the 20 plus years it takes them to reach maturity for breeding purposes. If you are driving when you spot some, please make safety your Number One priority and think of your safety, the safety of any passengers with you and the safety of other motorists on the road. To assist a hatchling:

  • Always move the turtle (hatchling, juvenile or adult) in the direction the turtle is headed.
  • A firm but gentle grip will suffice while taking take a hatchling to the nearest body of water in the direction the hatchling was headed.
  • Do not release into open water; instead find a spot that has a shallow area and ideally varying water depths in the vicinity and has vegetation and/or leafy debris that will serve as protective covering for the hatchling.

The Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre reports that many injured turtles have now healed and are ready for release into the wild.



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