OPP seek public help following second suspicious fire at same Pembroke location

On November 19, 2019 at approximately 4:30 a.m. members of the Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a fire in the parking lot of an apartment building on Bennett Street in the City of Pembroke. Construction debris in a utility trailer had caught fire …

Valley municipalities to collaborate on Community Safety and Well-being Plan

“It makes a lot of sense for the municipalities to work together,” Dr. Sullivan said. “Especially in rural areas, organizations which will be pertinent to the process almost always serve across multiple municipal boundaries. By working together municipalities can break down barriers, and help build community across the region.”

Help still needed to locate missing Pembroke teen

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment have today confirmed that they continue to search for missing 17-year-old Pembroke male, Tyson YAKABUSKIE (known to also use the surname LEMAIRE). Photo above  Provincial Constable Shawn Peever today told The Current that the OPP investigation remains active and ongoing. He asked …


What’s in a name? According to a media release from Ontario’s Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, Olivia could be the baby name of the decade with nine years at the top of Ontario’s baby names list. From January, 2010 to December, 2018, Ontario has registered more than 8,300 baby girls named Olivia. Here are Ontario’s …

A walk to the pond

Do you remember the smells of your childhood? Yeah, me too. Specifically, my sense of recall for the fragrances of the cottage in Quebec where my family visited as a child is instant. It’s also intoxicating. It’s a mix between general cottage mustiness, the lingering aroma of my grandmother’s cooking, …

Heritage photo: Grade 9-10 St. Joseph’s Barry’s Bay 1952-53

This Grade 9 and 10 school picture was taken in 1952-53. If you see a mistake and you can make a correction, please let us know. FRONT ROW: Sylvester Shulist; Floyd Skuce; Stanley Glysinski; Howard Etmanski; Paul Recoskie; John Hildebrandt; Basil Gutoskie; Andy Etmanski; Garry Mackin SECOND ROW: Jerome Prince; …

It’s all about the judges

OPINION Even as President Trump was being impeached yesterday, his enabler-in-chief, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, was providing yet more evidence that reveals why the Republican Party has sold its soul to the Devil. On Wednesday afternoon while Republicans in the House of Representatives were collectively scraping the bottom of …

OPP news updates as of Dec.16

Shooting incident leads to additional charges for MV resident On October 10 The Current reported on a shooting incident that left a Barry’s Bay man seriously injured. The accused, Shawn Russell, initially faced charges of Careless Use of a Firearm and Possession of Firearm and Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order. …


Catch The Ace progressive jackpot estimated at $20,000 The progressive jackpot in the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation weekly Catch the Ace Lottery just keeps on growing. The Weekly Prize for Week #11 is estimated at $1,215 and if the Ace of Spades is found, the Total Winnings will be …

Government attacks black market by increasing number of legal pot shops

The Ontario government announced yesterday that it is taking steps to move to an open market for retail cannabis stores starting January 2020. It is achieving this by removing the cap on the number of private cannabis stores in the province and eliminating pre-qualification requirements for prospective retailers. Previously prospective …

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