Barry’s Bay Horseshoe League holds tournament at Legion

The newly-formed Barry’s Bay Horseshoe League was a winner on July 25 at their first ever tournament held at the horseshoe pits located at the Royal Canadian Legion Barry’s Bay Branch 406. Not only did the competitors have a great morning’s play followed by a barbecue lunch provided by Legion volunteers, but the organisation also received a start-up donation of $500 from the Legion. The smiles are evident above despite the face masks.   From left: Branch 406 President Heather Poliquin, Gerard Hudder, Joanne Plebon. (photo supplied)

Joanne Plebon and Gerard Hudder told The Current that they had continued to play horseshoes in Eganville for a number of years and felt it was time to bring the sport back to Barry’s Bay. Hudder said, “We had planned to start in May but were delayed by the pandemic. We expect membership will build.”

Heather Poliquin, Legion President, said, “We are happy to see that the horseshoe pits are being put to good use. It is great to have another adult recreational activity in Madawaska Valley. We are happy to support the League and appreciate the support they return to the Legion.”

Plebon agreed, saying that they were happy to be at the Legion and that the two organizations can support each other. She told The Current that horseshoes is a suitable activity for social distancing as players can spread out and stay safe.

The Barry’s Bay Horseshoe League meets every Friday evening (the last week of the month practices are on Thursday). Anyone aged 16 and up is welcome to come out and play. For more information click HERE to check out their Facebook page.

The tournament on July 25 drew an enthusiastic group of competitors both locally and from as far away as Golden Lake. Here are a few photos from the morning:


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