Targeting a two-dose summer

Renfrew County and District COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Committee distributed the following information on May 28 at 3 p.m.

Today, the Ontario Government announced that the province is shortening the interval between first and second COVID-19 vaccination doses as 65 percent of Ontarians aged 18 and over have now received their first dose. The timing of second dose appointments may vary based on local considerations, vaccine supply and the date of first dose appointment.

“While this is great news, we want to remind you that locally, the situation differs due to local supply from the provincial government,” says Dr. Robert Cushman, Acting Medical Officer of Health, Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU). “Right now, our priority is to book those who are still waiting to receive their first dose. We promise to keep you updated on all local developments and aim to vaccinate anyone who wants a vaccine, as quickly as possible,” finishes Dr. Cushman.

Locally, RCDHU and partners are working on a second dose strategy and further details will be provided as they become available. At this time, you cannot book your own second dose appointment. We will contact you to schedule your second dose appointment. Please be patient. Do not call RCDHU to book a second dose appointment unless it has been 12 weeks since you received your first dose, and you still have not been contacted.

For detailed second dose information, visit RCDHU’s Second Dose Fact Sheet. Full details on the provincial government’s eligibility for accelerated second dose appointments can be found at: Ontario Accelerates Rollout of Second Shots Targeting a Two-Dose Summer.

Remember, it is imperative that everyone do their part to stay home if they are sick, avoid contact with people who are ill, practice physical distancing (2 metres), wear a mask/face covering when physical distancing cannot be maintained, wash their hands, use the COVID Alert App, and complete the COVID-19 self-assessment tool or COVID-19 school and childcare screening tool daily if they go to work, school or daycare, to monitor for symptoms and proper guidance.

For more information, visit RCDHU’s website at or call 613-732-3629 or 1-800-267-1097.

Levesque,C.,RCD COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Committee(2021,May28) Province Shortening Interval Between COVID-19 Vaccination Doses [media release]

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