An enjoyable day was had by all who attended the free Learn to Fish event held on Sunday, Aug.6 near the Barry’s Bay public dock on Lake Kamaniskeg. Luke and Scott, instructors from Ontario’s Fish and Wildlife, engaged their enthusiastic audience of new and seasoned anglers, young and old, with the basics of fishing. The two covered topics such as regulations, parts of the fish, how to respect the fish when it’s caught, casting and baiting. Above: Afternoon participants fishing off the public dock, Lake Kamaniskeg. Photo Wendy Wolak
All necessary equipment for fishing and personal safety was provided including souvenirs from crafting your own fishing lure and complimentary sunglasses.
Opportunity was given to practice handling a fishing rod and casting their line towards a target before the actual fishing experience began.
The hands-on fishing portion of the session did not disappoint as most caught fish even during the heat of the afternoon. But the catch of the day was by a young angler catching 12 fish during the morning session! All fish caught were released back into the water. Luke and Scott along with volunteers from CTLG were hopping, keeping everyone’s line baited or providing assistance to unhook the fish.
The event was made possible by the Carson Trout Lepine & Greenan Lakes Association (CTLG) in partnership with Kamaniskeg Area Property Owners Association (KAPOA) along with a generous door prize donation courtesy Mad Outdoors.