Healthy students and disease-free classrooms

Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) has completed its annual review of all
elementary and secondary student immunizations. RCDHU is in the process of mailing
Immunization Notice letters to students either missing one or more required vaccines, or if their
immunization record has not been submitted to RCDHU.

The Immunization of School Pupils Act R.S.O. 1990 (ISPA) requires all students attending school
in Ontario to be immunized according to Ontario’s immunization schedule. Under ISPA,
students may be suspended from school if their completed immunization records are not
submitted to RCDHU.

“Routine immunizations are an important step in protecting children and youth from serious
diseases. By staying on schedule with vaccines, you’re building a strong defense to keep
students safe and healthy, and prevent the spread of disease,
” states Dr. Jason Morgenstern,
Medical Officer of Health for RCDHU.

Immunization Notices specify which vaccines are missing from the student’s record and will
outline how to update the student’s immunization record. Options for students and their
families include:

  1. Submit updated immunization records to RCDHU in one of the following ways: Using the secure online tool ICON: Immunization Connect Ontario Tool; Email to, Fax to (613)735-3067, or Phone to (613)732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.
  2. Contact their health care provider to obtain information and any missing vaccinations.
  3. Book an appointment at an upcoming RCDHU community ISPA catch-up clinic.
  4. High school students can attend an in-school clinic.

For more information on reporting immunizations or booking an immunization appointment,
please visit RCDHU’s Immunization webpage or call the Immunization Information Line at
613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

RCDHU Communication(2024,Jan.18)RCDHU Reminds Families of the Importance of Student Vaccinations – Keep Students Healthy and Schools Disease-Free [media release]

Photo: cdc on

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