The Current’s legal claim against Madawaska Valley Township and former Council has been settled

At the Council in Committee meeting held on February 6, 2024, it was announced that the legal proceedings commenced by The Current’s owners and their business, MadValley Media, alleging misfeasance in public office and defamation, has been settled. The lawsuit was begun in late 2019 against the Township of Madawaska Valley and Kim Love, Carl Bromwich, Ernest Peplinski, David Shulist, and Mark Willmer who comprised the Council at the time. The form of a Joint Media Release was agreed and CAO Suzanne Klatt read the following at the meeting: (Pictured above. Photo YouTube/MadawaskaValley)

“I do have a press release on behalf of Council and I also have a Resolution that will need to be supported. I will first read off the Press Release which is dated today and it’s in relation to Court File No. CV21-00000002-0000. Roger Paul, Danielle Paul and MadValley Media (the “Paul Plaintiffs”) and Township of Madawaska Valley, Kim Love, Carl Bromwich, Ernest Peplinski, David Shulist and Mark Willmer (the “Township”) today have announced that they have reached a global settlement of all legal disputes between them. In order to avoid expense, burden and uncertainty associated with the litigation and to resolve their pending course case, the parties have entered into a confidential settlement agreement reflecting the following:

  1. The claim has been resolved by way of a mutual agreement between the parties;
  2. The resolution of the matter includes an undisclosed sum of money;
  3. The resolution of the matter includes a repeal of Resolution 2019-25-0827 as being based on mistaken grounds;
  4. The resolution of the matter includes a withdrawal of the Paul Plaintiffs’ lawsuit;
  5. The parties will not be commenting or publishing further regarding the settlement or the actions giving rise to the proceedings.

I would seek a Council Resolution through the chair that Council rescind Resolution 20109-25-0827 effective passing of this Resolution.”

The Resolution that was repealed at the meeting had been passed on August 27, 2019 and was worded as follows:

Resolution No.2019-25-0827

THAT Council accept the recommendation from Wishart and Law and not pursue legal action for costs against Templeman Menninga and; and THAT Council directs the CAO/Clerk to forward all future correspondence from Mr. Roger Paul to Council for Consideration at a Regular Council so council can decide what public resources will be allocated to Mr. Paul.


The owners of The Current, Roger and Danielle Paul, currently visiting family in the UK, commented that they are pleased with the terms of settlement and relieved that the lawsuit they brought to vindicate their and The Current’s reputation is finally over.


  1. Monica Bratley

    In reply to Kristin Marchand:

    I am sorry but this is simply not true. This Council continued legal action, despite rulings that they were being unsuccessful, until and only once it became apparent there was no opportunity for success. Members of Council could have ended this ridiculous exercise at the beginning of their tenure. They did not. Their continued futile efforts have cost the rate payers of the Township of Madawaska Valley. We will never know how much. This is totally unacceptable. I will not forget come municipal election time.

  2. Peter Pomerleau

    We have the right to know what this cost the taxpayers of our Township. How much will our property taxes go up to pay for this disaster?? This lack of transparency is not acceptable.

  3. Monica Bratley

    Anyone who has been following this saga in close detail knows that this occurred as a result of the irresponsible actions of the Township of Madawaska Valley Council and some members of staff. As a result, the Paul’s have suffered through an extended and unnecessary period of legal drama and costs. Their reputations also suffered as a result of the irresponsible and ongoing persistent actions of Council.

    In addition we, as rate payers, have suffered due to the lack of transparency and accountability that we deserve from Council. We have paid a literal financial price for this ongoing, unrelenting pursuit by Council against the Paul’s. We will never really know exactly how much this entire irresponsible affair cost each of us from legal fees to costs and penalties.

    Think of this during the next municipal election. What started with one Council continued with another. Each and everyone involved needs to be held responsible and accountable.

  4. Andrea Budarick

    I would like to congratulate all parties for bringing this finally to an end. I personally feel the public is entitled to know the particulars of the settlement but won’t let that take away from the news! May this never happen again. Let transparency and accountability reign!

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