Memorial butterfly release this weekend

Submitted by St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation.

Last year, Gerard O’Malley attended the memorial butterfly release in Barry’s Bay. He was handed a single painted butterfly and watched as it bathed its delicate wings in the warm sunlight. A few moments later, it took flight, leaving Gerard following it with his gaze. Above: Monarch butterflies released during a previous SFVHF Memorial Butterfly Release at Water Tower Park, Barry’s Bay.

Gerard O’Malley. (Photo submitted.)

It would be the last memorial butterfly ceremony hosted by the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation (SFVH) and Madawaska Valley Hospice Palliative Care Services that Gerard would attend. 

The co-owner of the Barry’s Bay Metro was familiar with local healthcare including MV Hospice. Gerard experienced Type 1/Juvenile Diabetes since childhood, and later suffered a hockey accident that left him a quadriplegic.

When he received a diagnosis of incurable cancer, Gerard met with MV Hospice Clinical Director Dylaina Wood to learn about what support services would be available to him.

“Dylaina followed Gerard from the onset of his cancer diagnosis. She was available for all oncologist telephone appointments, and made regular home visits. She also provided moral support to Gerard, his family, his caregivers and his coworkers,” Gerard’s sister Joan Cybulski said.

Dylaina administered palliative care training to family and caregivers at the appropriate time. Gerard was fortunate enough to remain at home until his death on February 24, 2024.

“We believe MV Hospice services are a godsend to the community,” Joan said.

Many families have benefited from that same care and compassion offered by our local hospice palliative care staff and volunteers. Every year, many of those families return to the annual Memorial Butterfly Release.

Butterflies are an international symbol for hospice/palliative care because they represent change, hope and life.

The Memorial Butterfly Release is intended to be a time for families to reflect and honour their loved ones who have passed. The eighth annual event will take place at 1:30pm on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at the Water Tower Park behind the Opeongo Seniors Centre.

The event will feature music and guest speakers, including a healing message from Julie Keon, Life Cycle Celebrant. Live butterflies were reserved and paid for in advance, with proceeds going to toward hospice palliative care services in our community. Anyone picking up butterflies for a home release can Click HERE to tune into the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation Facebook page for the live feed that day.


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