Every December Valley people prepare for the festive season with charitable events and a series of traditions. Above: Santa Claus arrives in the Valley for the 2024 parade. All photos Roger Prince.
Early in the month was Giving Tuesday, a great opportunity for benevolent organizations to maximize donations. The St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation (SFVHF) continues to raise funds for local healthcare – this year focusing on the Emergency Redevelopment at St. Francis Memorial Hospital (SFMH). The Growing TogethER campaign has already rewarded three Early Bird Draw winners and tickets can still be purchased until noon on December 23. All tickets sold will be entered to win a 2024 Toyota Rav Hybrid XSE valued at over $56,000, or take the cash option of $44,000.

On Friday, Dec.6 the annual Tree of Lights ceremony lit up Barry’s Bay – literally and musically. Also organized by SFVHF, each donated light on the tree honours a loved one or celebrates their memory. This year’s tree was donated by Ellard and Anna Hudder of Rockingham. A host of volunteers were involved with Tree of Lights – such as the helpers at the pre-event Work Bee who launched the campaign with a mailout, the volunteers decorating the Barry’s Bay Railway Station, and entertainment on the night by the StationKeepers Singers, with sound system provided by Stan and Sherry Quesnelle. Simmons Sport Horses brought their delightful mini- horses Kevin & Pumpkin, Madawaska Coffee provided hot drinks to keep everyone warm, and SFMH dietary team provided cookies for the event. MV Township provided the venue.

Christmas Angels from local elementary schools helped Chief Angel Dr. Jason Malinowski to light the tree. The Angels included Finley Hudder of George Vanier Catholic School, Lilyanna Wojtowicz of Killaloe Public School, Everly Stevens of Palmer Rapids Public School, Alayna Sullivan of St. John Bosco School, Mia Michaud of St. Martin’s of Tours Catholic School, Keelin Brethour of Whitney Public School, Kieran McGrath of St. Andrews Catholic School, Harleigh Peplinskie and Avaya Creighton of Madawaska District Public School. As usual the tree lighting ceremony was combined with Midnight Madness for our local retail businesses offering seasonal shopping.
Donations will be accepted until Dec.31 for the Tree of Lights Campaign for emergency department redevelopment and ambulatory care clinic renovation at St. Francis Memorial Hospital. Visit www.sfvhfoundation.com to make your gift online or call the SFVHF office at 613-756-3045 ext. 217.
Saturday, Dec.7 was very important for Valley children as Santa Claus paraded along the Opeongo Line in Barry’s Bay. Thanks to the Madawaska Valley Lions Club who organize the event annually and the many businesses and organizations who sponsored floats in the parade.
Some floats in the 2024 Santa Claus Parade, led by a Lion. The event was well attended and enjoyed by families such as Rob and Ela Lepine, with kids Luke and Max. (Centre)