Attention sledders: modified mufflers illegal on public trails

The Upper Ottawa Valley (UOV) Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) is reminding snowmobile owners that it is illegal to modify or change the exhaust on snowmobiles if the sled is being used on public trails. Above: a modified snowmobile exhaust system. (Photo OPP)

The reminder comes after recent complaints of loudly modified snowmobiles on local trails disturbing area residents. Modified exhaust systems, often referred to as “cans” or “pipes”, can significantly increase the decibel level of the snowmachine. The aftermarket components do not adequately suppress or muffle exhaust noise. The resulting increase in sound resonates across open areas, such a lakes and fields, effectively disturbing the tranquility of nearby homes and neighbourhoods.

Some snowmobile owners choose to remove the stock, or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), exhaust in favour of an aftermarket product that may claim an increase in performance. Whether the exhaust is modified for perceived performance gains or attention seeking behaviour, the aftermarket modifications are in direct conflict with a specific section of the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act (MSVA).

Modifying, altering, or changing the exhaust system on any snowmobile carries a fine of $110 and potential removal from the trail system.

The UOV OPP and OPP’s East Region Snow Vehicle, All terrain Vehicle, Vessel Enforcement/Education (SAVE) Team will conduct snow vehicle patrols throughout the season to ensure compliance with MSVA and for the safety of all.

[media release]

One comment

  1. Christopher Huggett

    A similar prohibition of noise enhancing modified mufflers transpired in Quebec in the 1990s, after a court judge ruled that snowmobiles would be prohibited in passing within a set distance of a residence. This followed a public complaint over excessive noise levels along public trails. This rattled the snowmobile clubs which were forced to reroute many trails throughout the province. The clubs started their own campaign to encourage their membership not to alter their exhaust systems. The initiative was successful and sledders complied, not wishing to forfeit their riding privileges.

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