Fall colours in the Valley

Editor’s Note: This is for all you leaf-peepers who are cottagers, seasonal residents or otherwise unable to get out and enjoy our magnificent fall colours this year. Wilno photographer Sharon Gardiner has agreed to share some of her photos of Valley back roads and views so you can watch — from wherever you are — as the colours progress through the coming weeks. The Current will update this regularly so you’ll see Sharon’s latest picture at the top, and her older ones below. Enjoy …

Above: Water Tower Park, Barry’s Bay, Oct.11


Mount Madawaska, Oct.8


Palmer Rapids, Oct.3


Biernacki Mountain Road, Sept.29


Trout Lake, Sept.28


Homestead at Wolf Ridge, Killaloe, Sept.26


Deacon Bridge, Sept.26


Crooked Slide Park, Sept.22

Siberia Road, Sept.22


Wilno Heritage Park, Sept.22

Colours just beginning – Long Lake, Sept.20

Nothing says “Fall” like asters beside the road – Rozek Road, Sept.20

All photos Sharon Gardiner

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