Pot shop regulations announced

On November 14 Ontario published an outline of its regulations for the licensing and operation of private cannabis stores. Key dates are December 17, 2018 which is when the application process will commence and April 1, 2019 the date when licensed stores will be open for business.

The government has advised that the regulatory regime will include the following “strict regulations”

  • There must be a minimum distance of 150 metres between cannabis retail stores and schools, including private and federally-funded First Nations schools off-reserve.
  • Retailers will not be permitted to allow anyone under the age of 19 to enter their stores.
  • Specific instances in which applicants will be denied a licence, including cannabis-related criminal offences. Notably, illegal cannabis retailers who are operating after October 17, 2018 are not eligible for a licence.
  • A prohibition on the issuance of a licence to any individual or organization who has an association with organized crime.
  • Requirement that individuals or entities applying for an operator licence demonstrate their tax compliance status to show that they are in good standing with the government.
  • A requirement for all private recreational cannabis retail store fronts to be standalone stores only.
  • Individuals with a store authorization, cannabis retail managers, and all retail employees will be required to complete the approved training to ensure that any individual who works in the cannabis retail market is trained in the responsible sale of cannabis.
  • Cannabis stores will be permitted to open between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on any day.

This means that as the licence application process will begin December 17, those who wish to apply to open one in Madawaska Valley need to know whether or not Council is going to opt in or out. The deadline for opting-out is January 22, 2019. As Mayor Love has indicated that it will be one of the first items to be considered by the new Council, residents can perhaps expect that decision some time prior to December 17.

Update on The Current’s poll

nov.21 notice


yes-no-pollThe Current’s online poll asks readers to vote on whether they are agreeable or not to having a pot shop in Madawaska Valley. As of November 16, poll results indicate that 54.06 percent of those who have voted are NOT in favour, with 45.09 percent in favour. Click HERE to register your vote.


The Current will continue to run the poll until MV Council reaches the point of announcing its decision.


Ministry of the Attorney General (2018, Nov.14) Ontario Establishes Strict Regulations for the Licensing and Operation of Private Cannabis Stores [News release]

Featured photo: Ariane Kunze, The Columbian


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