Sept. 29

Catch The Ace lottery returns The third round of St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation’s popular Catch The Ace lottery begins soon with the $5 tickets going on sale as of this Friday, October 4. The first weekly draw will take place at the Ash Grove Inn on Thursday, October 10 …

Porch Views: Goodbye Joan

Joan Kitts was buried on a rainy afternoon in the St. Lawrence O’Toole graveyard in Barry’s Bay beside her beloved husband Charlie. Her nine children and many members of their families, some cousins and friends accompanied her on that final journey. Her daughter Julie said that when they drove into …

Independent candidate Dan Criger on treating the symptoms and extravagant spending

I would like to address some of the issues raised by the other candidates and parties recently – issues over which the people of this riding have also expressed concern. First off, I see two themes running through the policies of many of these candidates and parties: treating the symptoms …

NDP boosts locally-grown food, listens to farmers

NDP candidate Eileen Jones-Whyte met with two experienced organic farmers to learn about problems food producers are facing, prep for all-candidates debates, and discuss how her party’s climate plan can help them. Above: Ron McCoy, Eileen Jones-Whyte and Bob Dobson talk farm issues (photo submitted) With all-candidates meetings sponsored by the …

Come clean Mayor Love – what’s behind the attacks on The Current?

EDITORIAL On Sept. 4 The Current reported on Councillor Ernie Peplinski’s demand made at the Aug. 27 Council meeting that The Current’s owners apologize to taxpayers and write them a cheque for $60,000. The report confirmed that The Current’s publisher had requested the opportunity to attend the next Council meeting …

Libertarian candidate proposes solution to opioid crisis

Stefan Klietsch, Libertarian Party of Canada candidate for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke, is proposing a policy solution for the opioid crisis. “For years Renfrew County and Canadian citizens have read non-stop news stories about deaths from opioid drugs, most especially fatalities from fentanyl,” Mr. Klietsch stated.  The Government of Canada reports that more …

Sept. 23

ATV News The Renfrew County ATV Club announces that thanks to a collaboration of the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV), Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the OPP, a new tri-fold brochure has been developed. The publication replaces the older Smart Ride Safe Ride booklet. Click HERE or on the …

Truth, Consequences, Options

Dear Editor, The writ has been dropped and Canadians are facing one of the most important elections of modern time. We as citizens are faced with deciding whether we want to maintain our status as a functioning, independent, nation-state or continue to accept a globalist agenda where directives from the …

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