July 26

Adult learning available in Barry’s Bay

For adults over the age of 19 who want to upgrade their skills, become familiar with digital technology or get ready for college or the workplace, the Training & Learning Centre is now open in Barry’s Bay at the Natural Health Centre on 43 Dunn Street. Finishing that high school diploma might not be as hard as you imagine! For more information:

Tel: 613.628.1720  Toll Free: 1-800-387-4712   Email: trainingandlearningcentre@gmail.com


Catching up with Catch The Ace

Michael Bozak was the lucky winner of the Week 26 prize of $1,966 in the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Catch The Ace draw last Thursday. Tickets are on sale for next week’s draw and if your ticket reveals the Ace of Spades, you could take home an estimated $69,772! Proceeds from this Catch The Ace lottery benefit the Valley Manor redevelopment project.

When we reported last week that Pembroke Regional Hospital had caught the Catch The Ace bug and begun online ticket sales for its own lottery, we failed to mention that Marianhill in Pembroke has also begun its own Catch The Ace lottery. Like PRH, Marianhill’s draw tickets may be purchased online at mhcatchtheace.ca  Online tickets can be purchased by credit card only. Each Tuesday, the weekly winning number will be announced on the lottery website and posted on the Marianhill Foundation Facebook page. The weekly deadline for online ticket sales is 2:30 p.m. each Tuesday, and the draw will be held at 3:00 p.m. the same day. 


Tour the Valley’s art studios virtually this summer

The Madawaska Valley Studio Tour is an important feature of summer around here. This year, the Valley’s artists invite you to visit their new-look website at madawaskastudiotour.com and enjoy an online virtual tour. Many local art studios are open by appointment so you can set up your own studio tour this summer based on the map and contact info on the website.


Too much zucchini?

Madawaska Valley Food Bank offers a home for all your extra veggies! Share your harvest by dropping off any excess produce at 188 Paugh Lake Road on the second and fourth Monday of any month. Call 613.756.3344 for info.


Planning for hockey season

ottawa-valley-girls-hockey-logoOttawa Valley District Girls Hockey Association (OVDGHA)

The Ottawa Valley District Girls Hockey Association (OVDGHA) Executive is actively planning for hockey in 2020/2021. They need to know how many players intend to register for either Competitive or House programs for the upcoming season. They ask all families to fill out the Intent to Register at the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9NQJBCS   before August 1, 2020. Registration fees will not be collected at this time. When it becomes clearer what the 2020/2021 season will look like, they will contact you and collect the registration fees. For more information please email OVDGHA President at president@girlshockey.ca

Attention: Bay Blades Sledge Hockey

The Ontario Sledge Hockey Association (OSHA) executive states that while Ontario’s Phase 3 Opening does include indoor recreation facilities, it does not mean that every arena will be open. Each team can monitor their home arena, but the OSHA executive will inform member associations when their local municipal recreation facility has an approved Return To Play Policy. Please note that preparations may take up to six weeks. Watch the Blades Facebook page for more news. 






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